“Oh yeah?” She turned her attention back to him as a small smile curved her face.

“Enough to know you said something about me being a stubborn mule the last time we talked.” He chuckled.

Her face morphed into a full smile, the light coming back to her eyes. “Well, you are. It’s the truth, and you made it clear you only wanted the truth.”

“I wanted to let you know I was wrong. You don’t have to stay away from my friends, and I won’t give you a hard time about it.” He ate another bite.

“Do you apologize to other people as much as you do me?” she asked as she studied him.

“Nope. There’s something about you that brings out parts of me I didn’t know existed. Things I’ve never felt before,” he admitted.

She leaned closer. “I can think of a lot more parts for us to explore together.”

The energy crackled between them as he clenched his jaw. The alcohol was weakening his defenses. Why shouldn’t he just give in? What were his reasons again?

She must have taken his silence for a refusal, because she drank down the rest of the liquid in her glass and stood. “Dance with me, por favor?”

It was then the slow sensual music was brought back to his attention. Touching this woman was a bad idea. But he couldn’t tell her no—not when she seemed so vulnerable and breakable. He’d caused her enough pain with his misguided attempts at self-protection.

Andre stood, taking her hand and spinning her around. His chest tightened as a smile adorned her face. She was breathtakingly beautiful. He pulled her close, her body melding perfectly against his. She swayed and moved her beautiful figure hypnotically to the rhythm. Her movements were sensual and confident as her dark eyelashes fluttered closed. His knee wedged between her thighs ever so slightly.

Each moment of contact became more and more overwhelming. His cock was so hard it was burning with the need to be inside this woman. Mia turned, her perfect plump ass grinding against his groin, adding fuel to the fire. Her arm wrapped around his neck as they danced, cheek pressed to cheek. His body was an inferno, raging with desire for her. Andre pressed his hands into her hips, forcing her closer in exquisite torture. Every nerve ending fired, his body pulsing from the pent-up need. He was going to come in his pants like a fucking teenager if this didn’t stop. He grabbed her arm and spun her back around so that she was facing him. He was panting now. It was agony to deny his body any longer.

“Quiero que me chingues hasta olvidar todas mis preocupaciones,” she said, her voice breathy and needy.

I want you to fuck me and make me forget all my worries.

Maybe he wasn’t so rusty with his Spanish after all.

All thoughts left his mind as overwhelming, uncontrolled lust slammed into him. Her scent was intoxicating, poisoning his self-control. He captured her face in his hands.

It was over. He’d given in.

He was going to kiss Mia, and then he was going to do just what she’d asked until she was so overcome with pleasure that she pleaded for him to stop.

“Si, hermosa. Anything you want.”

There was no way he could be gentle—he’d waited far longer for this moment than he cared to admit. He leaned in, his mouth watering with anticipation of her sweet lips on his.

Mia’s eyes grew wide as she slammed her hand against her mouth.

Andre frowned in confusion as she ran out of the room, the sound of gagging following soon after.


Andre went after her, holding her hair back as she threw up the contents of her stomach into the toilet. He used one hand to grab a purple towel, and wet it in the sink before handing it to her to wipe her mouth when she’d finished.

“Please, just go,” she begged. “This is so embarrassing.”

“I know I haven’t been the best example of it lately, but my mama raised me right. Let me help you to bed,” Andre said.

Mia nodded as she wiped her mouth again and stood.

Andre held on to her arm and guided her up the stairs towards her bedroom. He slipped into the bathroom and found two pain pills and a glass which he filled with water. Mia followed him inside where she brushed her teeth before accepting the glass.

He held her hand as they walked to her bed, setting the pain pills by the refilled glass for the morning. Just twenty minutes ago, he’d thought he’d be seeing her bedroom for other reasons. How had he let it get that far?

“Can you unzip my dress?” she asked, tucking a lock of her dark hair behind her ear.