Chapter 11
Inhaling a deep breath, Andre made his way through the grass towards his sister and Mikel’s house with a gift under his arm. He searched the driveway. She’s not here. Would she still come after their blowup? It had been a long time since he’d taken Spanish in high school, but he caught “stubborn” and “mule.” Just remembering how feisty she’d been made his own blood heat with arousal. Damn. They had some sizzling chemistry between them. Too bad it couldn’t ever happen.
Andre didn’t bother with the doorbell, and he went right in.
“Uncle Andre!” Lyra said, running up to him with her arms wide open. Children were so trusting and pure. Then we grow up and life teaches us not to trust. Andre’s brow creased as he pushed the thought away.
“Hey, birthday girl.”
“Is that for me?” she asked as she jumped up and down in excitement.
“Sure is, sweet pea.” He handed over the present.
“After cake you can open it, right, Lyra?” Remy said as she approached them.
“Awww alright. I’ll put it with the others.” His niece skipped off.
Andre followed Remy to the backyard where his parents were chatting with Mikel, and a few other little kids ran around with Lyra. Jasmine sat while Zoey lay on a blanket, with the sun shining on their small gathering.
“Where’s my nephew?” Andre asked.
“Napping.” Remy motioned to the baby monitor on her hip. “Food’s ready. Everyone help yourselves,” Remy called.
Andre grabbed a plate and filled it up. He was never one to pass up a home-cooked meal.
A large hand slapped his back roughly. Andre turned as Bently smiled.
“Hey, buddy, save some for the rest of us.” Bently chuckled.
“Nah, you look like you could use a diet,” Andre joked.
Bently feigned a hurt expression as he clutched his heart. “Hit a guy where it counts. I’m as in shape as I’ve ever been.”
Images of Bently at the end of his battle with cancer filtered through Andre’s mind. His best friend had been through a lot and came out stronger.
“I just mean you look healthy, bro.”
Bently sighed and looked away. “I’m healthy as a horse.” Something was bothering him, but he’d been so private about the whole ordeal, Andre didn’t even know what kind of cancer his friend had had.
“You know I’m here if you ever need to talk. Right, man?” Andre offered.
“I’m fit as a fucking fiddle. Promise.” Bently winked.
“I’m just saying. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
“Can’t believe our niece is seven. Can you?” Bently asked, changing the subject.
“Seems like just yesterday we were helping Remy with her as a baby,” Andre admitted.
“Thankfully Mikel knew what was good for him and came back,” Andre said.
Remy approached them as Bently said, “If my brother hadn’t gotten his head on straight, who knows? Maybe I would have married your sister.”
Remy laughed. “You think I’d want the town man-whore?”
“Hey, now! Baby, you’re the type of woman who could make a man like me settle down.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her into his lap as she squealed.