“I’ll see you later,” he said, before darting out the door.

Mia shook her head. She’d never met a more stubborn man.


Mia headed into the Stardust Café later that afternoon. She’d been craving one of Remy’s lavender scones and finally given in. As she entered the café, the aroma of coffee and sweet pastries enveloped her senses, making her mouth water.

“Mia!” Remy excitedly greeted her as she walked from behind the counter to give her a hug.

“Remy. How is the café going?”

Remy released her. “I’m hanging in there. Business has picked up with the tourists coming through and wedding season upon us. I’m catering for an event this Saturday. How about you? I need to get your number. I wanted to check in on you but make sure it was alright before I stole your number from Jasmine.”

“Oh, absolutely.”

Remy pulled out her phone and Mia rattled off her number.

“I’m so sorry about what happened. I’m glad Dre was there to help.” Remy offered her a friendly smile, putting the phone back in her pocket.

Mia’s phone pinged from an incoming text. “Yeah, me too.”

“Speak of the devil,” Remy said, her focus on the doorway behind Mia. Mia turned, catching Andre’s gaze as he approached them.

“Hey, big brother. You want the usual?” Remy asked.

“Yeah,” he answered, not taking his eyes off Mia.

“What can I get you, Mia?” Remy asked.

“One of your lavender scones and a black coffee to go, please,” Mia answered.

Remy got to work filling their orders, leaving them to wait. The whirring sound of the coffee machine and the low conversation of a few other guests were the only noises in the establishment.

After a few moments, Mia said, “I’m addicted to your sister’s scones.”

“She’s a great baker.” He rocked back on his heels and put his hands in his pockets.

There was more silence as his eyes looked anywhere but at her. Okay, this is awkward.

Remy rescued them by finally returning with coffee and bakery bags full of goodies. “Here you go.”

Andre put a twenty-dollar bill on the counter as Mia dug in her wallet for a ten.

“Oh! Mia, I almost forgot. Sunday is Lyra’s birthday party. We’d love it if you could come.” Remy smiled up at her.

Mia looked to Andre. His eyes flickered. His words from a couple nights ago came back to her. He didn’t want her around his friends.

“I’ll have to see. I’m busy with a few projects, but go ahead and text me the details,” Mia answered handing her the money before taking her items and leaving.


The rest of the week, Mia opted to work from home, avoiding Andre because that was what he’d asked for, but also because she got so confused around him. He was sending her mixed signals. Obviously, he was trying to be polite, but now it seemed almost unnatural. They just needed to have a conversation and clear this up. That kiss was the elephant in the room, and if he wasn’t going to get to the bottom of this, she would. Mostly because her thoughts had strayed too much remembering the feel of his lips, and the taste of his tongue. The way he’d groaned when he . . . Okay, enough. She checked the clock. It was almost time for the guys to be done at the studio. If she left right now, she’d make it in time.

Mia walked into the future home of her yoga studio. The smell of sawdust and paint made it all so real. Pride squeezed her chest. She was actually doing this. On her own. She was making her dreams come true and honoring her parents’ sacrifice.

“Hey, Miss Garcia,” Tom said.

“Good evening. How is your family doing?”