His lips hovered over hers, her sweet, hot breath tempting him, intoxicating him. If either of them moved, his lips would be on hers, devouring, tasting.
“I’m sorry for what I said and how I’ve acted towards you. You do something to me and it makes me feel . . . out of control. I’m the one who lied to push your buttons. I never went home with anyone the other night.”
She blinked before her eyes narrowed slightly. “Why tell me this now?”
Because you make me want things I shouldn’t want. Because you should know you’re nothing less than perfection.
“Little witch, your spell is beginning to work on me.”
Shit, had he said that out loud?
A small sigh filtered through her parted lips.
The next moment, his mouth was on hers. A myriad of colors burst forth from inside his soul. She hesitated only a moment before returning his ferocity with her own. His tongue slipped into her mouth, warring with hers as he pulled her closer. Mia’s teeth raked against his bottom lip, adding a pained pleasure to his experience. She moaned and his cock grew instantly rock hard, his swim shorts hiding nothing. He was an inferno, raging white-hot as her stiff nipples pressed against his bare chest. He ran his hands down the wet shirt that clung to her body. Andre was acting on impulse, and every cell in his body needed her naked flesh against his. He had to get inside her. As soon as his palms caressed the silky-smooth skin of her hips, he pulled her forward, grinding against her so that she could feel what she did to him.
Mia gasped, pushing him away. His arms immediately felt empty from the loss. They both stared at each other, panting. His body buzzed, every nerve ending firing, letting him know he was alive. One thing was crystal clear in this moment—he wanted Mia Garcia like he’d never wanted another woman, and the thought fucking terrified him.
Mia’s eyes hesitantly searched his before she spoke, breaking the silence. “Thank you for helping me today. But, Andre, one good act doesn’t erase all the bad. The things you said were beyond hurtful. I won’t be treated that way by anyone.” She backed away farther. “I’m sorry for what I said too. Even if it was the truth.” She smirked. “I apologize for slapping you.” She looked down, as if ashamed.
He nodded, accepting her rejection. She was right. He had acted like an asshole. “I’ll need my shirt returned sometime. It’s my favorite one.” He winked.
She nodded. “Of course.”
“Maybe you should sage yourself—get rid of the bad energy or whatever you called it, so you won’t attract any more danger,” he joked, trying to put a smile on her face.
Whatever he said backfired. Her expression morphed into pain before her mask was set firmly back into place.
“You want your shirt? Here,” she said, just before she pulled the fabric over her head, exposing her perfect tan breasts and dark nipples. His cock shot to attention as all the blood in his head surged south.
“Lock the door on your way out,” she said, turning and walking up the stairs out of his line of sight like she didn’t just strip half naked in front of him.
Holy shit.
What. Just. Happened?