Chapter 8


Andre followed from a distance as Mia headed up a trail on the side of the cliff. A few other people passed them on their way down. He had taken things too far with Mia. He couldn’t explain his visceral reaction to her. Seeing her in downward dog in those tiny white shorts, her red bikini bottoms showing through, he’d lost it. Why he’d thrown Summer Richards in her face, he had no idea. He hadn’t even made it inside the woman’s house. So why did I lie to Mia about it? Images flashed in his mind of Bently’s hands on her as they’d danced—as they’d left together. Jealousy. Now he’d really fucked up. Mikel is going to kill me. When did he become so selfish?

After following her and Lyra for a couple minutes, he couldn’t help but overhear what she’d said about the sea glass. He got the feeling that maybe all that he sensed under the surface wasn’t malicious lies or pretense, but a woman who’d seen her fair share of darkness.

When he reached the top, he found a small group of college-aged guys standing near the edge. Mia walked towards them and peered over the drop-off. This was a popular jumping spot for the locals and University of New Hampshire students. Mia took a step back, holding her head as if she was dizzy.

“Hey, beautiful,” one of the guys with a fraternity Greek insignia cap said.

“Hey.” She nodded.

“You up here to jump?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No.”

“It’s quite the rush. Watch. My buddy will show you how it’s done,” he said, putting his arm across her shoulder. His white skin contrasted with her dark tan. Andre was downwind from the guy, and he could still smell the beer on him, like he’d bathed in it.

One of the other guys ran and jumped off the ledge as she clutched her chest. The guy flipped and disappeared into the dark water below.

“It’s a lot of fun,” the drunk guy said.

“It doesn’t look safe,” she said, rubbing her arms.

“The water’s like, mad deep, even with the tide out. Do I look like someone who would steer you wrong?” He smiled, showing off his perfectly straight white teeth. Men like him were used to getting what they wanted and never hearing the word no. Guys of that kind were the most dangerous.

“It’s just not my thing.” She shook her head and started to back away out of his grasp.

“Come on. I’ll jump with you. The first time is always the hardest.” He grabbed her wrist in a tight grip, not letting go when she tried to pull away.

“You’re hurting me!”

“The lady said no,” Andre barked. She turned, her expression seemingly relieved at the sight of him for the first time since they’d met.

“This isn’t any of your business, thug,” the guy said, looking down his nose at Andre before handing off his hat to another one of the guys.

Andre’s skin burned at the insult. Of course, there was only one reason the asshole would use that word. Andre’s rage boiled over. He stepped closer. For once, his anger was directed at someone other than her. But they were outnumbered by four drunk white college boys and she stood perilously close to the edge of the cliff.

She tried to pull her arm free and shove the guy away, but Andre could tell she was being careful because they were so close to the edge.

“Fine. I’ll let her go.” The guy’s face split into a cocky grin before he jumped off the cliff, pulling Mia with him.

Andre darted to the edge as Mia’s scream intermingled with the jackass’s shout before she plunged into cold darkness and the sea swallowed her up. His stomach hardened with nerves as he panicked.

He didn’t wait for her to surface before he was free-falling himself, his heartbeat thudding in his ears. His only concern was her safety.

Mia erupted from the dark green waters a few yards away before he was plunged into the total darkness of the cold brine. He swam upwards, gasping for breath. He was closer to the frat boy who’d dragged Mia into the water, and as much as he wanted to punch the guy’s face, Mia was his target. He swam as quickly as he could towards a panicking Mia. Tears streamed down her face. He wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her back towards the shore. Once he could reach the bottom, he pulled her against his body. The hard points of her nipples rubbed against his chest and sent a shiver along his spine. She’d lost her bathing suit top.


He held her as she cried in his arms. Guilt ate him up from the inside out. The last thing this woman needed was him being an asshole to her.

“It’s okay. You’re safe.” Andre led her away from the water onto the dry shore. He let her go long enough to peel the wet shirt from his body. “Here, take this.”

He wrung it out as best as he could before slipping it over her head, looking away as she threaded her hands through it. She was trembling.

“See? Wasn’t that worth it?” came the voice of the son of a bitch who’d dragged her off the cliff. Andre tensed, turning to face the cocky bastard, his fist clenched as he stalked back into the water towards him, ready for a fight.