Chapter 7


The cool water was cleansing against her feet. Everything about the beach helped to ground her. The salty sea breeze and the wet sand between her toes. She closed her eyes, listening to the steady crashing of the waves as the tide began to recede. Seagulls cawed in the distance, most likely searching for scraps of food and other edible sea life.

“Okay, the guys have the kids, so we’re ready to do this.” Remy’s voice approached from behind her. So far, she’d been lucky that Andre hadn’t shown.

Mia opened her eyes and took in the sight of her two new friends. Remy’s dark skin was stunning with the white bikini she wore in contrast. She didn’t seem afraid to show the scar in the center of her thigh. Remy wore it more like a badge of honor—the mark of a warrior. If only Mia could be as open about hers.

“Yes. I’m excited to try this out.” Jasmine’s smaller frame fit snugly in an emerald-green one-piece that matched her eyes.

“I love that color on you,” Remy said, motioning towards the red bikini Mia had thrown on with a pair of white shorts.

“Thank you. You both look stunning as always. Hermosa,” Mia answered, walking towards the dry sand. She took a deep breath and centered herself as they made their way over to the yoga mats she’d already spread out for them.

“Choose a mat and sit in a comfortable pose.” Mia sat and crossed her legs, demonstrating. She closed her eyes. “Bring your hands to your knees in any way that feels natural to you. I like to touch my pointer finger and my thumb together while keeping my palm facing up.” After another moment, she explained, “Throughout our practice today, you must focus on your breath. Slow, steady four-count breaths.”

They stayed like that for a few minutes, until she felt confident that Jasmine and Remy understood. Mia opened her eyes. “Lengthen your spine. You don’t want to slouch. Reach the crown of your head towards the beautiful sun.”

She guided them through the poses, giving them time to understand the positions, and reminded them to breathe slowly.

When they had finished, Mia was sweaty and ready to cool off. “Thank you for practicing with me,” she said, bringing her hands to her heart. “Namaste.”

“Wow. You wouldn’t think these moves would be so challenging, but I have a feeling I’m gonna be sore in places I didn’t know existed tomorrow,” Remy joked.

“Thanks, Mia. I really enjoyed this.” Jasmine smiled.

“I was just glad to have the company.” She rolled her mat alongside the other two women before she walked over to their picnic table. Bently held baby Zoey, laughing as he pointed out their surroundings. Lyra was running from Mikel, giggling as he tried to catch her. Mia couldn’t help the smile that came to her own face as she took the atmosphere in. These were her people—there was no doubt. For the first time since she’d lost her mother and left the only friends she had in the world back in California, she felt like a piece of home had been restored.

But then her eyes met his. Andre had shown up after all. He held Phoenix, his gaze targeted on her. She lifted her chin in defiance. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how he affected her. She placed her mat in a pile, Remy and Jasmine following her lead.

“I’ve worked up an appetite. Is the food ready?” Remy asked Mikel as Lyra ran into her legs, clutching her mother for safety.

Flashes assaulted Mia’s vision. The scent of her mother coated with fear as Mia clung to her. Only in Mia’s memory, it wasn’t a father chasing her in a child’s game—it was a real monster.

“Ahhh! Mommy, save me,” Lyra yelled, bringing her back to the present. Mia dug her feet farther in the sand as she focused on five things. Something she could see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. She grounded herself against the flashback.

“We’ve been kind of busy,” Bently answered as Mikel caught his breath, motioning towards the baby in his arms.

“You could have worn her and started lunch. I’m starving,” Remy complained.

“Here. Zoey probably needs to have some milk and take a nap anyway,” Jasmine said, reaching her arms out to her daughter.

“I had Mikel set up those two umbrellas when we got here. It might be more comfortable for you to nurse there if you want,” Remy said.

Andre stared at Mia in silence, anger radiating from him as he seemed totally oblivious to what was going on around him. The baby in his arms started to cry. Even the child could sense his fury.

“I’m gonna go for a quick swim,” Mia said, turning around and heading to the beach. She needed some air. Whenever Andre was in the vicinity, her chest grew tighter, making it harder to draw in a full breath.

Mia stepped into the cold water, wading out to her waist before she dove the rest of the way under. The water instantly cooled her and jolted her back into the present, erasing the tension that clung to her muscles. She didn’t dare go farther in the water. She had a very real fear of sharks and not being able to see through to the sea floor. She turned and headed back to the shore. Her stomach sank. Andre was waiting at the edge, his arms crossed over his muscular chest. His scowl promised that this wouldn’t be a friendly conversation at all. But when was it with this man?

She put her mask in place, walking to face him with her chin held high.

“Why are you everywhere I fucking turn?” he growled.

“Perdóname? I don’t want to see you any more than you so seem to want to see me.”

“These are my friends, not yours. You need to find someone else to hang out with,” he snapped, taking a step closer.