Chapter 5


Andre settled onto a barstool at The Shipwreck.

Charli greeted him. “Hey, handsome. What can I get ya?”

“Jack and Coke, please.”

“Coming right up.”

As she poured the whiskey into the glass, he asked, “How’s that man of yours?”

She was beaming. “He’s hanging in there. Only a handful of months on his deployment left.”

“That’s awesome. Pass on my gratitude,” Andre said as she handed him his drink.

“Will do. Should I start a tab?”

“Yeah, that’s probably best,” Andre answered. He had no intention of stopping at one. He needed to let loose and relax.

“Put a beer on his tab for me too. One of those new Long Trails you got in last week,” Bently said, slapping Andre’s back.

“Buy your own beer, Sheriff,” Andre teased.

“Oh, come on. You invited me. That’s no way to treat a guest who’s doing you a favor,” Bently argued.

“You act as if you’d not have been here if I hadn’t texted you. This is your go-to for a Friday night.”

Bently shook his head. “Nah, I’ve been cutting back on my appearances. Haven’t I, Charli baby?”

Charli smiled and handed him his draft. “I’ll admit I’ve been seeing less of your face than usual.”

“Bet you miss these baby blues, don’t ya? When you gonna leave that man of yours and run away with me?” Bently flirted.

Charli shook her head. “You know better than that. No one can compare to my soldier.”

Bently sighed. “Ugh, you’re breaking my heart. Just give me one night to change your mind.”

Charli smiled. “One of these days your charm is gonna get you in trouble, Bently Evans.”

“Baby, trouble is my middle name,” Bently said.

Andre held up a hand. “Alright, Casanova, leave the woman alone. You’re here to help me find a date for tonight.”

Bently set his beer on the bar and clapped his hands before rubbing them together. “Alright. Any preference?”

“Just someone for tonight only, and no one we know. She can’t be related to anyone we know either.” That was just bad for business.

“Geez. You expect a lot from a small-town watering hole. We should have met up in the city. That’s where I usually go to find someone I don’t know and will never see again.” Bently shook his head.

Andre took another sip of his drink, the burn of the alcohol mixing with the bubbles in the soda down his throat.

“Wow. I think I found the exception to your criteria,” Bently said, slapping Andre’s shoulder.

“Where?” Andre said, searching the room. His eyes zoned in on skinny-jean-clad legs and an off-shoulder black top with the most perfect set of breasts he’d ever seen. The only problem was, he had seen them before.

Mia walked across the room, her long chocolate-colored hair spilling over her shoulders, those wide dark eyes taking in the room.