Chapter 4


Friday morning came around more slowly than Andre had ever thought possible. After his argument with Mia, he’d felt like an ass. He’d recognized the panicked expression in her eyes—it was the same one his friend Bently would get whenever his past threatened to catch up with him.

The rest of the week Andre kept to himself, working alongside his team to put up Sheetrock and open the wall they’d agreed to add several glass plates to, converting it into a giant window. He’d plugged in earbuds and focused on the tasks at hand, ignoring her curvy ass in skintight yoga pants or shorts, depending on the day. He’d always been one to admire a nice booty, but Mia’s was downright perfection. His team had seemed to notice as well. He’d barked at more than one of his guys to stay professional on the job.

On Tuesday, Mia had eaten lunch with the crew. They’d all sat on whatever they could find, but when Mia came over, they all jumped to their feet to offer her their makeshift chairs. Wednesday, he’d had to snap at them more than once to get back to work rather than chat it up with her. By Thursday, he’d about given up. If he heard her laugh at something Stan or Tom said one more time, or ask about their kids by name, he’d fucking lose it.

He went to bed hard as a rock every single night. He hated her for what she did to him. He hated her warm smile, and her throaty laughter, and the way she rolled her R’s, and how cute her accent was. It was like the woman was designed for the single purpose of making him crave her. Mia was the ultimate test of his self-control. She was feisty, and not afraid of confrontation—his sore groin was proof of that. And lately, he’d seen a softer side to her in the way she interacted with people.

He slammed the car door and walked back to the work site after his trip to the bank. Thank goodness she hadn’t been in today. He wasn’t sure how much more of her he could take. He walked past the team, glancing at the wrapped sub in one of his worker’s hands. “Treating yourself, Stan?”

Stan looked up and smiled. “Mia brought it in for me. She got pizza for Tom. And even bought us some cookies from the café to bring home to our families.” Stan’s blue eyes sparkled as he nodded towards the back room.

She was here? Damn it. So much for a reprieve. And how did she know their favorites? She’d won over his crew with bribery—little witch—cast them all under her spell. She even had Mikel on her side.

Andre nodded and walked towards the hall where Mikel was studying an invoice.

“Remind me again why we can’t get out of this contract,” Andre groaned.

Mikel gave him an incredulous look. “You know why. It’s bad for business to back out, especially after we already started the work. This is a huge job that helps us achieve our goals for the year. Not to mention, my wife would kill me if we didn’t complete it.”

“Why is Remy suddenly so invested in this?” Andre asked, bewildered.

Mikel shook his head. “Your sister likes Mia. They’re becoming friends, and she thinks Mia will be good for you.”

“What? Why?” Andre grimaced.

“You really don’t see? Man, Tiff did a number on you.”

Andre’s muscles tensed with anger at the mention of his ex. “Why does everyone keep bringing her up? I’m over her.”

Mikel gave him a knowing look. “You keep telling yourself that. I know firsthand how that anger festers inside you. You think it’s safer to keep everyone out, but what you’re really doing is punishing yourself. Tiffany’s off living her life and you’re here alone and angry. Tell me again how much you’re over her.”

Andre clenched his fists. His friend spoke the truth, but it didn’t mean he was ready to hear it. “I’m not lonely. I have a business and my friends and family. That’s all I need.”

“Whatever you say,” Mikel said, holding up both hands as if to calm a wild beast.

The scent of something herbal caught his attention. Andre sniffed. What is that . . .? Is it . . .

“Who the hell is smoking weed?” Andre darted out of the room, following the scent to where it grew stronger. All his men seemed to be accounted for, working. That only left one possibility. He opened the door to what would be the office, and sure enough, Mia stood there with a lighter in one hand and a long bundle of green in another. “What the fuck are you doing? Smoking weed while we’re trying to work?”

Mia whipped around. “Dios mío!” She clutched her chest, her surprise quickly morphing into fury. “Does this look like marijuana to you?” She held out the bundle of dried herbs, still billowing smoke from one end.

“Well, what the hell is it?” he barked.

“It’s sage. I’m using sage to clear this space of negative energy. If I’d have known you’d be here, I would have brought more—maybe just built a bonfire under you and lit the whole place on fire.”

His mind was reeling. The way she furrowed her brow and argued with him was like foreplay. Being around her was like being in a constant state of torture. She was drugging him—that was it. This little witch was using magic on him. “Your voodoo won’t work on me.” He smirked.

She rolled her eyes. God damnit, even her disrespect was cute.

“You think I don’t see what you’re doing here?” he growled.

She placed the burning sage into an empty cup on the desk and the lighter in her pocket before crossing her arms, drawing his attention to her perfect breasts.

She replied, her voice sounding innocent, “Why don’t you enlighten me—seeing how you think you are so much smarter than me. Oh, high and mighty one, please tell this . . . rich princess, was it? Tell me what my secret evil plans are.”