A few men wandered in and out with tape measures and various tools. Nerves somersaulted in her belly. This was it—the first step in making her dreams come true and fulfilling her promise to her mother.

“Dre!” Mikel called.

Oh no.It couldn’t be . . . could it?

Andre’s dark eyes met hers only momentarily as he entered the room. He had a tool belt clipped around his waist and tan Carhartt pants that led to his worn work boots. She swallowed, trying not to think that how he looked in a hard hat was a fantasy come to life.

Mikel came to her rescue, focusing her thoughts back to the job at hand. “So, let’s do one more walk-through to make sure we’re all on the same page before we begin construction. Sound good?”

Mia nodded.

As they went room by room, Mia paid careful attention to the detail that Mikel went into. She’d hired the right crew, even if that meant putting up with her ornery neighbor for the time being.

“I thought we were going to move this wall?” she asked.

Andre shook his head, and then spoke for the first time. “Can’t. It’s a load-bearing wall.”

“But I need this space opened up to have it feel airy,” she argued.

“No can do.” Andre smirked.

Anger lit her skin on fire at the same time as his smile brought heat to another part of her traitorous body.

“I think we’ve come up with a solution you might be happy with. Andre suggested we turn this wall over here,” Mikel said, pointing, “into a giant window. That would make this space feel more open while not causing structural issues.”

“Andre had this idea, huh?” she asked as she studied the broody six-foot man.

“Couldn’t let a project be done half-baked since it has my name on it,” Andre said as if insinuating somehow the shortcoming would be her fault.

This man liked to stir up trouble where there was none. He got under her skin like no one ever had.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone I hired,” she said, letting him know exactly who was in charge here.

Mikel stepped in front of his business partner and guided her along. She caught the death glare he gave Andre as they passed.

“Now, let’s talk about this flooring. It’s really nice hardwood. It almost feels sacrilegious to pull it up. Are you sure you want to do that?” Mikel asked. “It would save you a few thousand to leave it be.”

His phone rang, interrupting her response.

“Sorry. It’s my wife. I should take this. She doesn’t call unless it’s important,” Mikel explained.

“Go ahead.” She nodded.

“Why are we ripping up hardwood floors? They’re timeless, durable, and eco-friendly. We can sand and stain them a different color if that’s the reason,” Andre said, stepping closer into her space. You’d have thought he’d have learned his lesson last time.

“You really don’t think I know anything, do you? I’m having a shipment of selenite crystals delivered to the studio. I want the bags of crushed stones to be distributed underneath. Then you can relay the flooring.” She wouldn’t tell him that it was because it was her only connection to her mother. That she wanted a piece of Mamá to always be in the foundation of making her dream come true.

His mouth hung open as he stared at her speechless. “Rocks? You want to throw away thousands of dollars and a ton of man hours to rip up a floor and put rocks in it?” He burst out laughing. The harder he laughed, the angrier she got.

He had no idea what this place meant to her. What it was like to have nothing left of your parents, to live through the tragedy she had. She clenched her fists. “El Cabrón!”

“You’re crazy, woman!” He held his stomach as another fit of laughter overtook him.

“That is something people say when they don’t understand something. When it’s too big for them to wrap their little minds around. You work for me. I didn’t hire you to see my vision. I hired you to bring it to life.”

He stood taller, finally getting a hold of himself before he shrugged. “Your money to waste.” Her victory was short-lived as his eyes narrowed in on her. “Unless it’s Mommy and Daddy’s dollar and you’re just some rich spoiled princess with no idea what she’s doing.”

It was the furthest thing from the truth.

The blood drained from her face as she blinked. The heavy weight settling on her chest made it hard to breathe. No, not here. Not in front of him. She searched around them for her quickest escape route. She would not have a panic attack in here. She turned away as the tears stung her eyes. She swallowed the lump of emotion that roiled within her. She counted, trying to slow her inhales, as his strong hand wrapped around her arm, pulling her back to face him.

“Running away from the tru—” Andre stopped. His anger morphed into a flash of something softer before letting her go.

She spun back to the exit and forced her legs not to run out of the room, hoping to hold on to a shred of dignity. Mia left embarrassed, determined to never let herself be so vulnerable with that man again.