Mikel sat on the stairs as Andre shut the front door. His thoughts tumbled and tangled, along with his emotions. She’d believed he would be back. Andre had kept his half of the profits for him and was offering him his position again. Remy had refused taking all the money, choosing the harder road to achieve her dreams—all while taking care of their daughter. “I don’t know what to say. You trust me to return to the business? Why are you doing this for me after everything?” Mikel asked, searching his friend’s face for answers.

Andre pointed to the kitchen. “I’m doing it for them, first and foremost. Look, you needed help and we all failed you by not recognizing the signs. But you’re here now. You have Lyra to take care of. My sister could use a break. I know you have been through a lot of shit. Just because the abuse stops happening doesn’t mean the trauma disappears.”

The breath was sucked from his lungs at the power in his friend’s statement. He forced a chuckle, pretending he wasn’t affected. “You been watching Dr. Phil?”

“Nah. Been doing some reading.” Andre smirked again.

Mikel shook his head. “You’re too fucking much.”

“Hey! Language.” Andre laughed.

Mikel stood and Andre pulled him into a hug, slapping his back harder than necessary as he spoke into his ear. “I’m glad you’re back, brother. I’d love to have you by my side at the company. I’m happy Lyra finally gets to meet her dad. But you run away, put them in danger again, or hurt my sister, and I will hunt you down and kill you myself. Are we understood?” Andre backed up, locking his dark brown eyes on Mikel’s.

Mikel nodded. “Yeah.”

Bently walked in the door, followed by Jasmine.

“What is this? A party?” Jasmine said, heading straight to Remy and Lyra in the kitchen.

“Yeah! Auntie Jasmine, it’s a party! Mommy brought cupcakes,” Lyra screamed excitedly.

“After your dinner,” Remy gently reminded.

Bently hesitated, looking between Andre and Mikel. “You two finally kiss and make up or should I go get the handcuffs?”

“Does that line really work on women?” Andre scoffed, unimpressed.

Bently smirked. “It has once or twice.”

“You haven’t changed at all,” Mikel said.

His brother’s eyes clouded over, his smile fading.

“Alright, now that all the mighty knights have assembled, we can keep the princess safe while the queen is out having some adult time.” Andre changed the subject, walking back into the kitchen. Mikel followed, shooting a questioning glance towards Bently before searching out Remy. His stomach twisted in a sickly knot. Maybe she is just going to have some time by herself … all dressed up … smelling like heaven and looking like an angel.

“Don’t forget Aunty Jasmine. She’s a princess too.” Lyra smiled, her face covered in chocolate frosting.

“I’m a goddamned queen.” Jasmine winked.

“Language!” Andre and Mikel said in unison.

Jasmine rolled her eyes. “One of the most empowering things a woman can do is learn to not give a … duck. Right, Lyra?”

Lyra nodded, licking her fingers. “Yup. Auntie Jasmine said not to give any ducks. But I don’t have any ducks to give anyways.”

The adults burst out laughing as Lyra finished her frosting, blissfully unaware.

“You still hang out with Emma?” Mikel asked, fishing.

Remy finally glanced his way. “Yeah. She’s here for another month before she goes back on tour.”

“You going to meet up with her tonight?” he pressed. She averted her eyes to the sink, getting a wet paper towel and cleaning Lyra up as she shook her head.

Bently opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water before opening a cabinet that was littered with orange prescription bottles.

“Okay. Her foods are marked in the fridge. Snacks in the bag with her toothbrush and pajamas. I’ll be back by eight,” Remy said, kissing Lyra.

“Bye, Mommy. Have fun.”