A weight settled over her shoulders as her stomach churned with anxiety. A thousand tiny needles prickled her skin in awareness. The energy in the car shifted, electrified like the atmosphere before a big storm. She checked her surroundings; only a few people milled about. No one that stood out to her. It was probably just the past that had seemed to creep up on her today. Changes were scary, and she was ready to move on.
Thunk!She jumped. What the heck was that?
“What happened, Mommy?” Lyra asked, fear tinging her little voice.
Black feathers danced limply on the hood of her car.
“Looks like a bird flew into the windshield.” Remy’s voice rattled with her own unease.
“Is it okay, Mommy?”
Remy unbuckled and opened her door. “I’ll check.”
A warm gust of wind blew through the trees, shutting her door with force. The sky was bright and sunny, nothing like the ominous feeling that bubbled up inside her. The black bird slid across to the other side of the car. The creature twitched and wobbled to its feet drunkenly, flapping its wings before flying off.
Remy searched around her one more time before she climbed back into the car and buckled.
“Did it fly away, Mommy?”
“Guess so. Must have just stunned it,” Remy said, forcing a smile.
She couldn’t shake the feeling in her gut that something was about to happen—and it was going to be bad.