Part 2

Chapter 28


Five years later

Remy handed an iced latte to a customer when a familiar face greeted her through the door. Happiness spread through her.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

“Hey, Aaron. What can I get for you today?” she asked, not bothering to hide her smile.

“How about a date this Friday?”

She took a deep breath, steadying the swirl of emotions in her belly. The man knew how to flirt, and she enjoyed being reminded that she was a woman as much as a mother.

“What time?” she asked. Uncle Andre would be more than happy to babysit Lyra.

His smile widened. “Pick you up at six? Does that work with Lyra?”

Another flutter danced in her belly. “Yes, that works,” she answered.

“Now all I need is a black coffee.” He smirked.

She grabbed the paper cup and filled it before handing it to him.

His warm hand wrapped around hers, lingering as he leaned in and spoke. “I’ll plan something special.” He kissed her cheek. The tender caress caused embers of heat to blossom like a flower over her skin—years of celibacy sparked alive with his careful touch. Not scorching heat, but it was something.

“I look forward to our date,” she said, almost as if instructing herself.

“Me too.” Aaron backed away, waving as he left.

She locked up behind him and wiped down the appliances before going to the back room to check on the baked goods saturating the café with their sweet aroma.

She pulled a fresh sheet pan of muffins from the oven and set them on the cooling rack.

Emma walked in the back door, holding the tiny hand of the most beautiful little girl in the whole world.


Remy opened her arms wide to catch her smiling daughter. “Hey, baby. Did you have fun with Auntie Emma?”

Lyra nodded, her chubby cheeks dimpled as her curls bounced with her excitement. “Yes! Can I have a cookie?”

“Go pick one out.” She released her daughter, and the little girl ran towards the shelf of freshly decorated sugar cookies.

“I want a mermaid one!” she squealed, taking one from the assortment.

Remy turned to Emma. “Thank you for watching her while I got these done. Now I can relax the rest of the day.”

Emma smiled. “You know I love time with my favorite girl. We played our very own rock show today.”

“You did, huh?” Remy teased.

“Lyra just might be my newest member of my band when I go back on tour next month.”

“Can I peeeease, Mommy?” Lyra begged with a mouthful of half-eaten mermaid cookie.