“Yes! Mikel. I love you.”

Focused on her, his expression grew more serious. The fire illuminated his eyes, flames burning in their dark depths promising ecstasy and rebirth. “I love you too, little Dove.”

Pure joy filled her chest as she melted from the inside out. He loves me. Mikel, the man whom she had wanted for as long as she could remember, loved her.

“I’m gonna come,” he grated.

“Yes,” she said, wanting nothing more in the world than to feel him pulse within her walls, capturing just a little more of him.

His mouth parted just a little. His eyes widened, his pupils dilating, as he emptied inside her. He tensed around her, each muscle growing taut and rigid as a flash of pleasure rolled through her unlike any she had known before. He growled, possessing her as he invaded her heart.

Mikel kissed her slowly and intimately before he slid out of her. She still burned inside, just the slightest bit. He stood, disappearing into the tent as she caught her breath. He returned with a water bottle and a cloth.

“What’s that for?” she asked.

“For you,” he said, soaking the material with the cool water. Kneeling between her legs, he used the cloth to clean her up. Embarrassment heated her body. She had bled after all, but he didn’t react disgusted like she’d assumed he would. He was gentle—his movements reverent. Somehow this felt even more intimate than having him inside her.

He pulled the material away when he was finished, the crimson streaks on the cloth evident in the firelight—a symbol of everything she had given him and that she was no longer a virgin.

He put his clothes back on and pulled out the double sleeping bag from the tent before laying it on the blanket while she got dressed. She climbed in next to him and cuddled into his side like he had been made for her. He wrapped his arm around her, holding her close.

They were silent for a long time, the crackle of the fire the only sound melding with the faraway crash of waves. The smoke rose towards the dark sky.

“I love you, Remy.” Mikel’s deep voice reverberated through her. He’d said the three little words she’d wanted to hear more than anything.

Her chest was so full, it might burst. Everything she had ever wished for was coming true. “I love you too, Mikel.”