* * *

In the parking lot, Jasmine took off without a second’s hesitation towards the beach that was already filing up with locals. Mikel followed her through the hot sand. Jasmine ran right up to Remy, standing at the edge of the group near the rock wall that disappeared into the ocean.

He had always admired how Remy seemed to sense a need in Jasmine for connection with an older female. He was pretty sure Remy had been the one to talk Jasmine through the whole period thing. The girls had always hung out when he, Bently, and Andre got together. Today would be like any other day with the group of friends. He just had to keep his eyes off that sweet little body in that tiny white bikini.

Who am I kidding?

He was fucked.

She waved towards him, a shy smile curving the lips he’d tasted only hours ago. Mikel turned to the picnic table. Ignoring her, like he usually did, was best.

“Guess sleeping beauty is finally awake,” Andre teased, handing him a beer. No fists had been swung, so he was sure Remy hadn’t said a word to him. Mikel scanned the beach already half full. A few surfers were on the water, paddling out farther.

His eyes found hers again and she waved again, exaggerating her arms in a bigger gesture. She must have thought I didn’t see her the first time. He turned back towards Andre. “That’s why I’m so good-looking. Don’t be jealous.”

Andre smirked and took a sip of his own drink. “Jealous of you? Now that’s what I call a joke.”

“You’re both pretty. Now do you feel better?” Bently chuckled.

Andre set his beer on the picnic table. “Should we kick his ass now or later?”

Mikel put his drink next to his friend’s and pulled off his shirt, leaving it in a pile on the table. “No time like the present.”

Bently’s eyes grew wide with shock before he started running. Andre and Mikel chased after him and tackled him to the ground. They wrestled in a ball of sand and grit, dragging Bently towards the water as he fought against their hold. Pain erupted in Mikel’s foot as Bently stomped down on it.

“Son of a bitch!” Mikel crashed on top of his brother, pulling Andre with him as a wave washed over them. They all ended up a salty sandy wet mess.

“Fuckers. I have sand in my ass crack,” Bently sputtered, as they came up breathless.

Mikel and Andre laughed at him.

“Bout time someone brought you down from your high horse,” Andre teased.

Mikel walked farther out into the cool ocean waves. He swam to the first buoy. Holding his breath, he floated under the water, enjoying the cold silence that mirrored his insides. He hadn’t experienced anything but pain and hollow numbness for as long as he could remember, unless it was in drug- or sex-induced stolen moments that slipped through his fingers faster than quicksand. Except for Remy’s kiss.

His lungs burned. Relief and comfort temporarily flooded over him at the ache—at the fact that he could control this pain. What if I just stayed down here? Drowning seemed like a peaceful way to go.

The image of his mother’s lifeless body hanging in the basement came to his mind. I couldn’t do that to Jasmine and Bently.

Mikel relished the agony in his lungs for a few seconds longer before swimming to the surface. Remy came into view the moment he glanced at the beach. Her gaze followed him as he swam back to the shore. She was probably wondering why he was ignoring her after last night. It was for her own safety. He was dangerous. She had no idea of the beast that lived within him. The sinister wickedness lurking in the hidden recesses of his black soul.

The monster that would kill his own flesh and blood.

The rest of the afternoon passed in a dull haze. Sunshine, salt, beer, and good food. Friends and family he didn’t deserve. He put on his mask, and played the happy friend and brother, joking along with them and smiling at all the right times. His mind wandered every now and then, distracted by that tiny white bikini and those dark brown curves. But he controlled it. And forced himself to look anywhere but at her.

As the day wore on, his skin began to itch. His mouth was as dry as cotton. He needed a little help to get him through. Keeping up the circus act was draining.

Mikel walked to his truck and opened the door. Patting under his seat, he found the small baggy. He washed two pills down with his beer. He stuffed the bag back under the seat and closed the door behind him.

“Whoa!” He jumped back, slapping a hand over his racing heart. Startled to see that bikini he had been ogling all day up close—those exposed dark brown legs that went on for days that he wanted to wrap around his waist. Mikel would defile her in the best of ways. “Shit, Remy. You scared me.”

She was leaning against the front side of his truck with her arms crossed, pushing up those round gorgeous breasts. She had no idea what power she held. So innocent. Dove.

“Sorry.” She looked at her feet sheepishly.

“What are you doing over here?” he asked. Had she seen him take the oxys?

“I wanted to talk about last night,” she said, glancing at his face for only a moment before she looked away shyly.