Chapter 13


Summer was passing in a blur. Days were spent at the bakery, and weekends with Mikel.

Remy: Hey, baby. Want me to come over tonight?

She sighed as she prepared herself to be turned down again. She never knew with him. He could be the kindest, most amazing boyfriend one minute and then distant the next.

Mikel: Busy. Tomorrow?

It was Saturday, and Andre wasn’t working. What else could it be? His job took a lot out of him. Maybe he was just tired.

But he didn’t say that. He said he was busy.

“Ugh!” She was obsessing. She just needed to keep herself occupied today.

Remy: Up for a girls’ day?

Emma: Yes, ma’am!

* * *

Sunday morning, Remy grabbed her phone. Mikel hadn’t responded to her goodnight text. Was something wrong?

Remy: Good morning. Should I come over, or are you going to pick me up?

Several minutes passed before her phone rang.


“Hey, baby. Listen, I got a few things I need to take care of this morning. Maybe we can hang out later this afternoon?” Mikel said.

“I could tag along with you and keep you company—”

“No.” His voice was adamant.

“Oh, okay.” She hoped she was disguising the hurt in her voice.

“I’d just rather get this done and over with and get to you. I’ll text you when I’m on the way.”

“Alright. I miss you.” It had been eight days since they’d seen each other.

He sighed. “Miss you too, baby. I’ll make up for it tonight. Promise.” His smooth voice made her clench her thighs together in anticipation.

“Can’t wait.”

* * *

It was more evening than afternoon when Mikel finally messaged that he was on his way over to pick her up.

Remy’s body wound tight with anticipation. It was getting harder and harder to stop herself from going all the way. The times they spent naked and tangled together brought them closer. She wanted Mikel to be her first. That condom was burning a hole in her bag. Was there something wrong with her? Was that why Mikel hadn’t tried to take it further? For once in her life she wished she wasn’t as inexperienced.

The smile that spread across his lips erased all her fears as she walked towards him. The way his gaze raked across every inch of her never got old. The jeans he wore fit snugly around his thighs, and she’d bet her life that his behind looked as good as his front. Her gaze lingered on his torso, admiring how his faded tee clung to his muscular tan arms. The arms that held her when she fell apart with orgasms, and those rough calloused hands that took her there.

“You look good enough to eat.” His heated stare burned her skin.

“Well, I wouldn’t want you to go hungry now, would I?” She winked.