Chapter 1


Remy shut the door to her friend’s Jeep as she adjusted the skintight jeans over her hips.

“Come on, Remy. Don’t look so nervous. They’ll think your ID is a fake,” Emma said, giving her a once-over.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” Remy admitted, squeezing her clammy hands into fists at her side.

“It’s a bar, babe. You’re acting like you’re the one who’s going to be performing.” Her friend shook her head.

“Well, I … I …” Remy tried to come up with some excuse other than she had never scribbled outside the lines before. Nothing about their night would be illegal.

“Come on, Remy. Summer is here. We survived high school, graduated—despite my odds.” She laughed, hands reaching wide as she gestured to the busy parking lot. “The world is our oyster. Let’s just celebrate life. Remy Stone, Miss Goody Two-shoes, you need to learn how to loosen up and have fun.”

“Are you done teasing me?” Remy crossed her arms.

“You’re gonna be the hottest thing in there.” Emma winked. She saw through Remy like no one else did.

Emma was the total opposite of Remy in every way. Where Emma was an outgoing performer, Remy preferred books and conversation. Emma had a fair complexion with blond hair and blue eyes, compared to Remy’s midnight tone and brown eyes.

“Do you need some liquid courage before we go in there?” Emma asked, slipping a flask from her purse.

“No, thanks,” Remy answered as her best friend took a long sip before returning the container to her bag.

“Okay, let’s do this!” Emma grabbed her hand and led her towards the neon lights of The Shipwreck.

Perhaps it was an omen—the name of the bar, mixed with the nervous butterflies filling her tummy. The hair on the back of her arms stood on end, an awareness tickling her spine. Her belly twisted into knots as she wiped her sweaty hands on her pants. She drew a deep breath.

The bouncer outside asked to see their IDs. He was a big, muscular man, covered in tattoos, with a shaved head. “How old are you?” he asked, scrutinizing her face and the plastic card.

“Eigh-eighteen,” she managed. A part of her wanted him to turn her away.

After another minute of his hard stare, he gave back her card and stamped her flesh with a large black X. “Be safe,” he said, nodding towards the door.

Remy’s mouth opened in surprise as they entered. She wasn’t sure what she had expected the bar to look like, but this surely wasn’t it. Overhead lights pointed towards the stage where Emma’s bandmates were already setting up a drum kit. Backlit fish tanks were positioned in the walls, illuminating the room in a blue glow. A skeleton with a pirate’s hat sat in one of the chairs at a table. The walls were distressed to look like they were really inside the belly of a ship.

“I’m gonna go get ready with the guys,” Emma said. “You okay here?”

“Yes. I’ll go sit at the bar.” This wasn’t as scary as she’d thought. Maybe some of her friend’s confidence was rubbing off on her.

“Look at you, being all brave.” Emma poked her shoulder playfully.

“Must be something about this place. It’s cooler than I’d expected it would be.” Remy smiled genuinely as her shoulders relaxed.

“Well, at least you won’t be alone over there. Don’t look now, but the man you have been crushing on since I’ve known you is having a drink.”

Remy’s stomach flipped and twisted with giant butterflies clamoring to get out. “Mikel is here?” She whispered his name like it was something sacred.


“He probably won’t even notice me.”

“I think it’s a little late for that. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since you walked in. And trust me, babe, that look in his brown eyes tells me he’s definitely noticing you.”

“God, I hope so.” Oops. Did I say that out loud?

Emma smirked. “Go on. Go get your drink. I’ll see you after the show.” She kissed her on the cheek and left.