Chapter 5


Mikel spent the week at the construction site. On his breaks, he slipped out his phone to see what new question Remy had come up with. She had far surpassed twenty by Friday.

Remy: Wanna stargaze with me tonight?

Excitement and nerves sparked in his belly. She’d felt like a dream—too good to be true. She was making him hope for things that he hadn’t in a long time, like a future.

“What’s got you all smiles this week?” Andre asked, setting his hard hat next to him on the bed of the truck before jumping to sit by him.

Mikel slipped his phone back into his pocket. “It’s been a good week.”

Andre took a bite out of his sandwich as he eyed him suspiciously. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this look on you.”

“What do you mean?”

His friend drank from his bottle of water. “Happiness, bro. You look happy.”

“I’m always happy.” Mikel playfully smacked Andre’s shoulder.

“This is a different kind of happy … You got a girl?”

Mikel bit into his own lunch, buying himself some time before answering. His mind was racing a million miles a minute. Could he do this? Could he date his best friend’s sister? “I met someone, but we’re taking it slow. Just talking right now.” Vague honesty was the best approach.

“Mikel Evans is going slow?” Dre teased.

He shook his head. “She’s really special and I don’t wanna fuck it up with her.” He hoped his friend would remember his words when the time came to tell him.

“Good for you,” Andre said, crumpling the wrapper of his lunch.

Mikel sighed. He shouldn’t have gone near Remy, but it was too late to turn back now. He liked talking to her, waking up to her texts. They were innocent, funny, and sometimes philosophical.

He had tried to stay away from her for her own good, but he was a selfish bastard. One taste of those sweet lips and he was done for. The way she looked at him, like she could see an ounce of good in him, gave him a high that he couldn’t find anywhere else. She believed in him. That was what had made him give in. She was his vice now.

* * *

Mikel walked into Dolly’s Bakery. The scent of baked goods and coffee hit him in full force as he got in line behind a woman blocking his view of the very gorgeous Remy. Even though he caught just a glimpse of her, she managed to steal his breath away.

“Look, I wanted this with three shots of sugar. This doesn’t taste like three, it tastes like two,” the woman berated Remy.

“I-I’m sorry, ma’am. I did use three, but I would be happy to add another shot for you,” Remy responded timidly.

“Throw in a free cookie too for my inconvenience.” She slammed her cup on the counter and some of the contents splashed over the rim.

“I-I’m sorry. I’m not allowed to do that,” Remy said, quickly adding another pump of sugar.

“I need to see your manager. This is ridiculous. Horrible service. I guess I should not have expected much from someone like you,” the patron snapped.

Remy’s eyes fell to the counter as her bottom lip trembled. Her shoulders drooped, hurt painting her features.

He balled his hands into fists and clenched his jaw tight. “Don’t think you need those extra calories anyway. Seems to me you’ve had enough sugar to last you a lifetime,” Mikel said gruffly.

The woman turned to look at him, horrified.

If she wanted to insult his Dove, he didn’t mind delivering a low blow.

“Excuse me?”