His mouth curved up into a smirk as his eyes darkened. “I’m just taking care of my woman.”

“Your woman, huh?”

The door chimed from the café.

“Mm-hmm.” He placed his palms on both sides of her face and kissed her forehead before walking back out to the front counter.

She couldn’t stop the smile that bloomed. She wasn’t alone in this anymore.

* * *

At three thirty, Remy waved goodbye to her closing staff and walked to her car.

“I’ll meet you at home?” Mikel asked, pulling his truck keys from his pocket.

“Yeah. I’ll get Lyra from my parents and then head over.”

“Drive safe.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips.

By the time Remy unbuckled Lyra and got her inside, her feet and her back were throbbing.

“We’re home, Daddy!” Lyra said, running up as Remy shut and locked the door.

He picked her up and swung her around as she giggled. “How was your day at school?”

“It was sooo good. Miss Piper said I could be the next one to feed our pet turtle.”

“That’s awesome, princess,” Mikel said, kissing her cheek before he set her down.

“What smells so delicious? Did you order something?” Remy searched the empty counters, focusing on the sink of soapy dishes that were half done.

“Nope, I made it. It’s baking in the oven. Which means you have exactly forty-five minutes to soak in the tub I ran for you upstairs before we need to eat.” Mikel came over and kissed her neck.

He made dinner? He … ran a bath for her? He was doing dishes?

Mikel laughed. Her shock must have been written across her forehead.

“You go and relax. Lyra and I are gonna watch some Paw Patrol.”

Lyra jumped up and down. “Just you and me, Daddy?”

He tucked her stray curl behind her ear. “Just us.”

Remy was left utterly speechless as they made their way into the living room.

“Go before your bath gets cold,” Mikel called.

* * *

Remy studied her pruney hands. Suds gathered around her arms and breasts. The foam had left a milky sheen on top of the once hot, now tepid water. Lyra’s giggles could be heard every now and then. This was pure heaven. She could definitely get used to it. She hadn’t felt cherished since the day he’d gone out and bought all the baking flours she’d wanted to experiment with. That was a memory she’d replayed several times in the past when she’d wanted to remember what it was like to feel special.

“Knock, knock,” Mikel said, opening the door. “The lasagna just came out of the oven. Do you want us to wait for you?”

“I’m coming.” She smiled, sitting to pull out the plug.

He walked in and leaned down, cupping one of her soapy breasts in his hand. Remy gasped and checked the doorway for a possible little girl sighting.

“I hope to hear that a few times tonight.” He pinched her nipple and kissed her shoulder. Her breathing became ragged as her arousal bloomed. Need and desire tightened like a coil ready to snap. Ringing filled her ears as her blood rushed to her aching center.