Chapter 38


The café was slammed. Emma was out of state for the day, her college student employee had class until three, and Jasmine had been so sick Remy had had to send her home.

She flicked another glance towards the ever-growing long line at the door—good for business, but bad for her sanity on a day like this. She just needed to get through this rush and then she could breathe. Oh, to put my aching feet up. She’d been here since five this morning and it was only noon now.

“So sorry about the wait. What can I get you?” she asked the next customer.

“A venti latte with half the foam. Can you make that with half two percent milk and half skim milk? Oh, and a shot of caramel.”

Remy smiled and wrote the picky customer’s order on the cup as the door jingled, signaling yet another customer. She was drowning here. People were going to start walking away soon and she would lose business.

“Hey, beautiful.” His voice was like a breath of fresh air.

She made the woman’s coffee as she turned and smiled at him. “Hey yourself. I’m a little busy right now.”

“I can see that. That’s why I’m here. Put me to work.” He smiled.

“Don’t you have to helpAndre today?”

“I took the rest of the day off. It’s just paperwork that I can do this weekend instead. Jasmine told me you were slammed.”

She wiped the steamer off and placed the lid on the latte as his firm fingers kneaded her stiff neck. Sure, he’d have no idea what he was doing, but any help would be better than no help. Mikel had always been a fast learner. A weight lifted from her shoulders as she handed the woman her drink.

“Okay, can you ring her up?”

Mikel stepped in front of the register as she walked him through the touch screen.

“I’m going to give everyone a ten percent discount for waiting so long today,” Remy said, loud enough for all the patrons to hear.

“Oh, I really appreciate it,” the first customer said.

Mikel got to work, bagging baked goods and ringing up customers as she filled the drink orders. The line moved along much quicker, to her delight, and every customer left with a smile.

Remy let out a sigh of relief as she wiped the counter down. His warm arms embraced her from behind as he breathed in at the base of her neck.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Remember what I said: I’m gonna take care of you. Next time you get like this here, just give me a call.”

She nodded, her heart full, nearly bursting—a feeling she’d had so much of lately. This was too good to be true. Mikel was beginning to be the partner in her life that she’d always dreamed about.

“Why don’t you have a seat and eat something while I clean the tables?” Mikel asked.

“I gave Jasmine my lunch, hoping it would help settle her stomach.”

“Then it’s a good thing I ordered you Thai food that should be delivered in about two minutes.”

“You … when?” She turned around to face him.

He held up his phone. “They make apps for that now.”

The urge to kiss this man was too strong for a place of business. She grabbed his hand and dragged him into the back room before plastering a kiss on his mouth. He tightened his grip around her, pulling her closer. All the things she wanted to do to him required privacy and time—two things they didn’t have in that moment.

“Wow.” He chuckled. “Is that my thank you?”

“That’s just the preview.” She winked.