She trembled in his arms. So responsive. This was going to be heaven on earth.

* * *

Remy tossed him his shirt before pulling her hair into a poufy ponytail. The glow on her face was mesmerizing. Pride filled his chest at the knowledge that he had put it there.

“My mom is on her way here with Lyra,” she said, interrupting his salacious memories.

“I’ll run to Bently’s and change into some clean clothes and then be back to have some dinner with you guys around five. Should I bring something?” he asked, pulling his shirt on.

She shook her head. “I’ll cook. Don’t forget to stop and get some condoms. I have a feeling we might need them later.”

He smirked before kissing her forehead, her cheeks, and then her lips. “Can’t get enough of me, huh?”

“Never.” She nipped his bottom lip.

* * *

Mikel parked his truck at the local pharmacy. He found the family-planning aisle and grabbed a large box of condoms before heading to the front to check out. The cashier was a young teenage girl whose cheeks blushed bright red, scanning his one item.

“Nineteen ninety-nine,” she said.

“Debit.” He swiped his card.

“As I live and breathe. Is that you, Mick?”

Mikel turned around, coming face-to-face with his past: June and Isaiah Sampson.

“Hey. Long time, man. How are you doing?” Mikel asked, taking the box from the cashier and moving out of line. The bags under his old friend’s eyes were deep-set and dark. He had aged ten years at least, and he was far too skinny.

“Pretty good. Can’t complain.” He itched his left arm, drawing Mikel’s attention to the purple needle marks mixed among the bruises.

“Happy to hear.”

“How long have you been back?” June asked, her blue eyes hungrily watching his every move, studying him far too closely.

“A little while.”

“And you didn’t stop by and say hello?” She stuck out her bottom lip and pouted.

“I’ve been busy,” Mikel said.

“Certainly looks like you have.” She eyed the box of condoms in his hands. “Make sure you stop by sometime. We can all hang out for old time’s sake.” She winked.

His stomach roiled at the thought. The last place he would go was to a drug den with a woman he used to screw.

“Joe’s out. I’m sure he’d love to know you’re back in town,” June said.

Panic seized his chest, anxiety constricting his rib cage. Joe is here? Last he’d heard, the guy was doing ten years.

Maybe he’d stay on his side of town and not do anything to risk being sent back. Wishful thinking. The last thing Remy needed was a reminder of how he’d failed to protect her in the past. This was a chance for him to do it now.

“Yeah, we can have a celebration party. The gang’s all back together again,” Isaiah said.

“I appreciate the offer, but that’s not really my scene anymore. I’m sober now.”

Isaiah and June shared a look of surprise. “Oh, so you’re too good for us, huh?” June chided.

“Good for you, man. Don’t worry. We won’t hold it against you. Stop by sometime and we can catch up,” Isaiah said.