Chapter 37


The next morning, Remy led Mikel into her small house. Joy overwhelmed him that she was finally letting him all the way into their lives. A decent-sized kitchen immediately opened up to his left, everything clean and organized. The place smelled of cinnamon and sugar, like her.

She turned to face him, a timid smile quirking the side of her face. Telling her the worst parts of him had been the hardest and yet most rewarding thing in his life. Where he’d fully expected her to cower in fear, or hate him for eternity, she had shown him compassion and understanding. Love.

Remy Stone still loved him. That was something to celebrate.

“So, this is the kitchen, where most of the magic happens. We usually eat at the bar on the stools unless we have company for dinner.” She pointed out the small circular table.

He nodded, taking it all in. How many family dinners had he missed? What had been Lyra’s first food? Had she made a silly face when she tried solids?

“The living room is through here.” She walked to the opposite end of the room and motioned to her right. He followed, glancing at the grey overstuffed couch with multicolored pillows. A heaping basket of toys sat in one corner. He entered the room, touching his finger to the profile of one of the dolls on the coffee table wrapped carefully on a makeshift bed of blankets. She needs a cradle for her doll.

“Cozy,” he said.

“I’ll show you the upstairs. I need to shower. I smell like campfire.”

He approached her, threading his hands in her hair as he leaned and breathed her in. He would never take touching her for granted again. “You smell like toasted marshmallows. I like it.” Sleeping in the bed of his truck wasn’t what he’d planned, but the ache in his back was worth it.

She smiled, reaching on her tiptoes to peck the corner of his mouth. God, she feels good. He ran a hand over the scruff of his beard. “Lead the way.”

She turned, lacing her fingers between his—a reminder that they fit together so well, like two pieces of the same puzzle. His eyes were glued to the curve of her hips swaying as she led him back to the kitchen, up the stairs, and through the white hallway.

“The door on the left is my office. The next one is the bathroom, on the right. Then the last two are Lyra’s bedroom and mine, although she typically ends up sleeping with me still.”

Mikel froze, staring at the pictures hung on the wall. Lyra as a baby. Lyra as a toddler. His daughter’s first birthday, pictures of her and Remy at the beach, and with her grandparents. All moments he’d lost.

Remy wrapped her arms around him and sighed. He still held a little resentment that she’d hidden their daughter from him, but the logical side of his brain understood why. She had been a mama bear protecting her baby. She was the type of mother he wished he’d had growing up. Mikel couldn’t fault her for that.

“I have some photo books if you want to look. I also uploaded everything to the cloud. I can share the files with you so you can glance through them whenever you want,” she said.

He swallowed the ball of emotions building in his throat. “That would be nice.” He ran his palms up her sides, squeezing her closer to him as he swayed slightly. He leaned down, hungry for a taste of her. Her lips were soft and sweet. She was like fresh cinnamon rolls with extra icing on a cold day. Remy moaned as he deepened the kiss, gripping his shoulders and digging her nails into his flesh. Gone was the timid girl he’d left, replaced by a woman who seemed far surer of herself. It only made him love her more. She reached down, unbuttoning his pants.

“Baby,” he groaned, peppering kisses down her neck.

“Let’s take a shower together,” she said, her voice breathy and dripping with need.

“I know it’s kinda late, but are you on the pill?” he asked.

She stepped away enough to look in his eyes. “No. I haven’t been … I mean, there hasn’t been anyone, so I didn’t need to.”

Fuck. He hadn’t used a condom last night.

She seemed to read his mind. “I just finished my period two days ago, so we should be safe, but condoms would be a good idea from here on out. I should have asked … are you clean?” Insecurity flashed in her eyes.

He brought his thumb up to trace her bottom lip. “Yeah. Remy, I haven’t been with anyone since you either.”

Pure shock lit her features, replaced by a smile she tried to hide. “Really?”

He nodded. “Came close a few times before I got sober. I just couldn’t do it.”

She swallowed, her sexy neck begging him to suck and bite it. But he needed to be responsible this time. “I don’t have any condoms. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen last night.”

She nodded. “We could just shower.”

He smiled. “There are other ways to make you come.”