He reached out, placing his hand on hers. Magnetic energy jolted through their contact, stealing her air. The potent current radiated and vibrated down to her bones. She didn’t pull away. She’d been starved of this man’s embrace for more than five years; to be in Mikel’s arms again and have him tell her everything would be okay would be her wish come true. If all she could have was his palm on hers, she’d take it.

“Baby, I’m so sorry you had to do all of this alone. I can’t imagine how hard it was.”

She nodded. “My parents helped, and our brothers. Andre gave me some money from the business profits that would have been yours. I only used it for Lyra.” She hoped he wouldn’t think she’d taken more from him.

“That’s good.” He sounded relieved. His thumb gently caressed the soft flesh of her hand. “You made your dream come true despite … everything.”

“Yeah. I did.” Because she’d had to learn some tough lessons and take the hard road.

“Remy.” Mikel’s voice was husky. Her name on his lips made her body tremble. The webbing tethering her and Mikel cinching, blurring, pulling her towards him.

“Can I get to know my daughter?” he asked, unshed tears shining in his eyes, fueling the ache in her heart.

She swallowed, pushing the swirling, growing feelings down and pulling her hand from his as she turned her attention back to the only thing they would ever share: their child.

“I-I want you to. But … if you do this, you can’t leave again. You can’t use again. She must be your priority. Above all else.”

His eyes flashed before he nodded solemnly. “Absolutely. I’m not the man I used to be. I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m asking for one chance to prove it to you.”

She wanted to believe him wholeheartedly, hoped that he was telling the truth and he could remain sober. A lifeline. She owed him that much for keeping his child a secret from him.

She nodded. “Okay. One chance.”

Relief and determination flashed in his dark brown eyes before he spoke. “When can I see her?”