Her face was shocked, tears welling and spilling down her face like sad blue paint leaking from the anger and betrayal in her eyes. “You promised. You swore on …”

“Well, I lied.” It sounded like his voice, but rougher.

No, Remy. Don’t leave. That wasn’t me.

Joe’s ugly face lit up his vision, the threats he’d spewed before punching his ribs one more time.

“Go, Remy. Run. Go!” he shouted. Someday she would see it was for her own good.

She turned, her body shaking and trembling as she stumbled away from him. His chest tightened, pain lacing through his heart. Somewhere in the distance his body was being ravaged, brutally being ripped apart by his choices. But he would deal with that later. Right now, June had another hit waiting for him. He was going to choose that escape for a little longer and deal with his regrets another time. He always did.

June lowered her mouth to his. She tasted like a bad decision and self-loathing, nothing like Remy’s sweet mouth. He floated high above, watching the scene before him. His body was moving without his permission, doing anything he had to avoid the pain plaguing him, the shadow that followed him, drowning him in a dark sea and sucking him under to hell on earth.

His lip stung from the pain of her bite; he relished it. Anything to help him not feel numb. Her hands moved quickly to unbutton his pants. The tang of iron filled his mouth, sending him plummeting back to his body. He shoved her away roughly, standing up and running out the door, not caring that his pants were still unzipped.

Blood.He lifted his hand to the doorknob. They were red, dripping with blood. His father’s life force. Crimson handprints taunted him as he ripped open the door, needing escape from the chaos raging inside him. He had to get air.

Mikel stumbled onto the porch, every sense heightened, every color sharper. Remy’s sobs echoed in his head; she was still sitting in the truck. Of course she was. He had brought her here and abandoned her with no way to get home. He pulled the keys from his pocket. He would drive her, make sure she was safe. He could still fix this. She couldn’t leave him. He couldn’t live without her.

The sound of an engine approaching wrenched his thoughts from her. A truck he recognized came barreling down the road towards them.
