
Excitement and hope bubbled under the shock and fear. Sure, this wasn’t what she’d planned, but a baby?


What was he going to think? Would this cause him to spiral and use again? She burst into a sob, her body shaking and trembling. She was pregnant and the father of her baby was an addict.

Doctor Amir put her arms around her. “I know it can be a lot to take in. You have plenty of time to digest this and make the decision that’s right for you. I want you to know you have several options.”

Remy tried to pull herself together, taking the tissue the doctor kindly offered her.

The nurse came in to draw blood once she’d calmed down and then made another appointment farther out.

Remy walked back to her car in a haze, uncertain and drained. Six weeks pregnant. She just wanted Mikel to hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright. She texted him.

Remy: I need you. Can we talk? Pick me up at my house when you get done with work.

She went home, thankful both her parents were gone, and texted Emma to let her know she would be out the rest of the day. There was no way she could face her friend and not tell her everything. She was going to fall apart and she didn’t need an audience.

The hours trickled by slowly. She cried and sobbed in a flurry of emotions as she accepted the news. Remy laid her hand against her flat belly, in awe that an actual human being was growing inside her. A piece of Mikel. A symbol of their love. What kind of family could they make for their child? Would the baby be light-skinned, closer to its father’s, or darker like hers?

The door opened and she looked up, hoping to see the man she loved walk through it. Instead her mother’s kind face peeked in. Her smile quickly faded when she locked eyes with Remy.

Wiping her tear-stained cheeks, Remy sat.

“What’s wrong?” her mother asked worriedly as she settled next to her.

Remy couldn’t say anything for a while. She sobbed into her mother’s chest, taking the comfort she was offered. Sniffing, she finally got a hold of her emotions.

“You’re worrying me,” her mother said. “I’m sure nothing can be that bad. Tell Mama what’s troubling you,” she soothed.

Oh, how she wished she was a little girl again and that her mother would be able to wipe her tears and fix her problems. “I-I’m p-pregnant.”

Her mother’s body froze before she hugged Remy harder. “Does Mikel know?”

Remy shook her head.

“Sometimes these things happen. I know it’s a lot to take in.”

There was no reproach, no disappointment in her mother’s voice. Tilda was simply there for her.

“Mama, what am I going to do?”

“That’s a decision only you can make. I’m sure Mikel will support you no matter what you choose. A good man would.”

Remy trembled.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” her mother asked.

“I promised I would keep his secrets. I don’t think I can tell you without betraying his trust. I don’t know what to do, and I’m afraid he is going to be mad at me.” Remy shook her head. Her swollen eyes felt like sandpaper from all the crying she had done.

Her mother was quiet for a few moments before replying, “You don’t think he’d help you if you chose to carry this pregnancy to term?”

“I honestly can’t say.” Did she even know Mikel at all? She’d thought she had before. Maybe she was naïve, like he’d said.

Her mother lovingly wiped the matted hair from her forehead. “Whatever you decide, I’m here to support you. You are not alone, whether Mikel is happy about the news or not. I know his opinion is a factor, but you’ll be the one having to live with whatever you choose for the rest of your life. You should take some time to reflect on it. The answer will become clear in your heart and you’ll know. Talk to Mikel. I’m sure everything will work out. After all, it takes two to make a child.” Her mother kissed her forehead.

“Thank you, Mama.”