Chapter 22


Slowly, Friday came and Emma covered her shift at the bakery so she could go to her appointment.

She settled into the chair of the exam room, eyeing the cold metal stirrups. Thank heavens I won’t need those today.


She dug her phone out of her bag.

Emma: Dolly wants to know where the sugar flowers are that you finished decorating yesterday.

Remy: Top shelf in the back room labeled “Johnson Wedding.”

Emma: Thanks!

Remy struggled with whether or not to open up to Emma, or her mother for that matter, about the issues she and Mikel were facing. She’d always been able to turn to her mom for advice before. But would that be betraying Mikel’s trust in this situation?

She clicked his name, finding the last message he’d sent.

Mikel: Working overtime this week, finishing up a project. Won’t be available for a while.

That was five days ago. The all-too-familiar worry that niggled at the back of her mind was getting louder. She couldn’t ignore the alarm bells going off, nor the fear that rattled in her bones.

Distance. Again. While part of her was upset he was shutting her out, she was glad for the space to clear her own mind. Being with Mikel was emotionally draining sometimes. Guilt weighed heavily on her shoulders. He’s been through hell, Remy. He deserves a little understanding.

There was so much to figure out. The more she read up on addiction, the more she was convinced that her gut feeling was right. The consensus was that an addict couldn’t begin their journey of recovery until they could admit they had a problem. But Mikel was adamant that she was making this out to be a bigger deal than it was. Was she? Her head swam; she was so mixed up.

“Good afternoon. Didn’t expect to see you again here so soon.” The friendly nurse smiled as she greeted her.

“Me either.”

“Well, I’m sure you remember the routine. Pee in this cup, leave it sealed in the window, and the doctor will be in soon.” She handed the sterile plastic container to her.

Remy accepted it and headed to the empty bathroom. She did her business, and walked back to the patient room before sitting in one of the empty chairs.

Time ticked by slowly as she waited for Doctor Amir to come in. Should she text Mikel? She’d check in on him. He’d be off for the weekend for sure.

Knock, knock.

“Remy, good to see you again.” The doctor entered.

“You too.”

“I’m sorry about the recall, but I guess it was a good thing you came back in after all,” she said, reading over the chart.

“What do you mean?” Remy asked, a tinge of worry bubbling in her belly.

Doctor Amir set the iPad down. There was caution in her kind eyes. “The pregnancy test we always run before prescribing your birth control turned out positive. When was your last menstrual cycle?”


Panic and fear seized her, sucking the air from her lungs. How?Oh, god. Mikel had freaked when he’d realized he’d come without a condom.

“But…I had a period…last month.” Surely the test wasn’t accurate.

“Some women experience what is called implantation bleeding. It can mimic a light period. Other women still have a cycle for several months into their pregnancy. I’m guessing this is a surprise.”