“No, thanks.” She tried to pull away from him, but the guy wouldn’t let her go.

No fucking way.

“There you are, baby.” Mikel grabbed her hand and pulled her into his chest. Relief coated her expression as her shoulders relaxed.

“Ahh, come on now. We were just about to get to know each other a little better.” The cocky voice of the one who had touched her said.

His fists clenched. He’d really love to show this guy some manners, but Remy’s safety was the most important thing. Mikel surveyed their surroundings; only a few other families milled about nearby.

“Let’s go,” Mikel said, guiding Remy in front of him.

“Don’t leave yet. The night is just getting started,” one of the other guys said, stepping in front of them. His frame was bulkier, but he still stood a few inches shorter than Mikel, his eyes bloodshot and twitching. He was obviously on something.

Remy’s body trembled against his. She was scared, and rightfully so. Two against one while trying to keep her safe would prove to be a challenge. Good thing he knew a thing or two about fighting dirty.

“Hey, wait a minute. I know this guy,” one of the men said.

Dread crawled up his skin. There was only one place a deadbeat like him would know Mikel from. His two lives were about to clash, and Remy would be the casualty. She couldn’t find out.

Mikel leaned towards her ear and whispered, “Run to the car and lock it. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He slipped the keys into her hand as she tensed and shook her head. “Do what I say, Remy. Now!”

She took off towards the parking lot as he whirled around. His fist met with the bigger guy’s unsuspecting faces in a flash. Searing pain erupted from the split flesh of his knuckles, but the release of tension was like soaring. The second guy grabbed Mikel’s waist as he drove his elbow back with a bone-crunching thud. Grunts and groans erupted from the two men. Blood trickled down one’s face while the other’s filled with rage. A heavy body brought him to the ground. A woman’s scream distracted the man long enough for Mikel to get to his knees.

He was kicked by a hard boot and pain radiated from his ribs. Mikel grunted as he jumped to his feet, fists in the air, ready to teach the men a lesson about touching a woman without her consent. The two of them took off, running towards the crowd in the carnival.

The wail of police sirens split the night air.

He jogged towards the parking lot through the crowd of spectators more interested in capturing his fight on video than lending a hand. A mother pulled her son closer to her chest as he passed, like he was the monster. He just needed to make sure Remy was safe.

The sight of her stricken face in the shadows of his truck made his heart ache. She clutched her phone to her ear, her mouth forming words he couldn’t hear as her tear-filled eyes met with his. She hung up. She’d been the one to call the cops.

He climbed in the cab, wincing from the pain in his side.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Remy asked, her soft hands gently searching his bruised form.

“I’m fine.”

“Why did you do that? Why did you send me away?” Remy turned, the anger and confusion in her stare burning a hole into his heart.

Because I was reminded that I’m powerless, a slave to a piece of scum.Because that guy had touched her. He’d had to protect her. How had another great day gone to shit? Because as hard as he fucking tried, his past always caught up to him.

“So you’d be safe.” He draped an arm over her and pulled her close. She inspected his torn knuckles in her soft palms before she drew them to her mouth, planting delicate kisses on his flesh. The act was so tender it nearly broke him.

She looked up at him. “I was so scared for you. It felt wrong to leave.”

Her emotions were so potent he felt them trembling deep in his bones, thundering through him like a storm. “All I need is for you to trust me. And you did that. You were perfect.” He kissed her forehead. “Now let’s get you home.”

Where she would be safe. Where his shadows couldn’t touch her.

Joe was expecting him tonight. It was time to say goodbye to the fantasy and get back to his dark reality.

“Tomorrow night, let’s go to the beach. Just you and me,” she said.

“Sounds perfect.”