Once she was done using the facilities and washing up, she headed to their table.

Her gut clenched tight as the air was stolen from her chest. A blonde with a face that had been burned into her memory was smiling and laughing with her hands on Mikel. Her stomach burned, bile rising in her throat. Jealousy and fear gripped her like a vise. What was that bitch doing laying her paws on her man? Why wasn’t he pulling away?

Remy stood witnessing the scene unfold, her feet too leaden to move. Mikel shook his head and leaned in to say something in June’s ear. Why was he so close to her?

June’s painted claws slipped into the back of Mikel’s pants pocket. He backed away from her, grabbing her arm and moving to put some distance between them. Remy forced her feet forward; she needed to hear what they were saying. She needed to confront the matter head-on.

Her belly flip-flopped as she got closer. June’s lips moved and then she glared at Remy. A vindictive smile twisted her face before she said, “Well, I better go. It was so nice running into you again, Mikel. We seem to be doing a lot of that lately.” June turned and left, swinging her hips and turning more heads than one.

Remy’s blood boiled.

Mikel ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the ends, turning as his hesitant eyes met hers. “Hey, baby.”

Ask him.“What was that all about?”

Mikel shook his head. “Nothing. She just wanted to stir up some trouble.”

“What did she mean that this wasn’t the first time she’d run into you?”

His eyes glanced around the room as he gripped her hand. “I ran into her and Isaiah at the pharmacy a while ago. That’s it. She’s just trying to twist shit and start something.”

She sought his eyes, searching for any sign of dishonesty. She found none.

“Look, please don’t let this ruin our night. I swear I’ve put them in my past. The reality is, she lives in this town and we may run into her from time to time. You just gotta ignore June. And I’ll avoid her.”

Remy’s anger subsided some. He was being truthful. Mikel was right. Shattered Cove was a small town and the likelihood of seeing people they had a past with was unavoidable. He was committed to her, and that was all that mattered.

She nodded. Mikel kissed the top of her forehead and led her into the crowd of dancing bodies. The band’s playing drowned out any hope of further conversation.

Mikel pulled her close, sliding his knee between her thighs as the tempo changed to a slower song. His arms wrapped around her tightly, drawing her to him like he was the one who needed support. Kissing her neck, he swayed his body.

Did she trust Mikel? She’d asked him if he was all in, and he’d sworn he was. Now it was up to her to decide. He’d shared his deepest, darkest secrets with her. Guilt clouded over her. She hadn’t given him the same trust.

She relaxed as the song played and his body melded against hers.

Mikel’s hands traveled down her backside, and squeezed. She kissed his lips, taking her time to explore his mouth in slow, languid strokes. Her hands wandered across his muscles, desire building as they swayed together, no longer moving as two individuals, but one entity. He ground his leg against her center as heat gathered. Yes. That was the spot.

“More,” she breathed in his ear.

He moved harder, faster against her as she began to pant. Pleasure sparked each time he hit the swollen juncture just right. He was basically humping her in the middle of a crowd, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was how close she was to diving off that cliff and coming undone. And … she … was there! White spots filled her vision as the music drowned out her cries of ecstasy. Mikel gripped her tighter against him, holding her as she came down. Limbless, she rested in his arms, yearning for more, needing to connect with him.

“Take me home,” she said.

He nodded, his lust-filled gaze locked on her.

She wouldn’t let anything ruin her night. For once, she was going to shut out that nagging feeling and live in the moment. Tomorrow was going to come whether she wanted it to or not. She’d take a leaf from Emma’s book and make the most of the only thing she could count on—tonight.