Chapter 42


Mikel wrapped his arm around the love of his life as their daughter snuggled between them. The well of his heart overflowed with completion and gratitude. His girls watched him with rapt attention as he explained the myth of the Phoenix constellation. Remy’s eyes brimmed with adoration for him, and joy. She had a spark in them that she hadn’t had when he’d first arrived. Remy was an amazing woman, and an even better mother. How did I get so damn lucky as to be loved by her?

The last two months had gone by in the blink of an eye with ice cream dates, nights like this with his telescope, dinner together, and too many sleepovers to count. Lyra’s fifth birthday had come and gone with a huge family party—the first of many to come.

Lyra’s eyes drooped closed as his story came to an end. Remy’s hand tenderly stroked her brown curls away from her forehead. “I think she’s out,” she said.

“She’s so peaceful when she sleeps,” he said.

Sweet laughter tumbled from Remy, lighting up the moonless night. “The only time she ever sits still. I can’t believe she’ll be starting school soon.”

“I’m just glad I’ll get to be here for it.”

She moved her hand to his face, her touch soothing. “I am too.”



“I wanted to ask you what you thought about moving in together? I mean, I’m basically with you guys every night anyways.”

Remy hesitated, taking a few deep breaths. His stomach knotted in worry. Doesn’t she trust me?

“I think I would like that,” she said finally.

Relief flooded his body with an overwhelming urge to celebrate. Feeling this good was almost unnatural. “You’re sure? I don’t want you to be pressured at all. I’m fine waiting until you’re ready.”

Remy smiled. “I’m sure. I love you, Mikel, and these last few months you have proven to me just how much you have changed. You are an awesome father to Lyra, and things with you and I have been everything I’d hoped now that you’ve opened up to me. I’m ready. I’d love for you to move in with us.”

“Thank you.” He kissed her forehead. “We’d better get her home, and maybe then we can celebrate.”

“What did you have in mind?” she asked, a sly smile spreading across her lips.

“It involves you naked and screaming my name.”

“Well, not too loudly I hope. We wouldn’t want to wake the princess,” she teased.

“So much pleasure you can’t speak. Understood.” He smirked as he lifted Lyra in his arms and gently placed her against his chest. Carrying his daughter to the car while Remy packed up the blanket, he inhaled deeply. Sweet summer flowers and hot August air filled his lungs. He was floating, on top of the world.

Mikel buckled Lyra into her car seat as she stirred. “Sshhhhh, go back to sleep, baby.” He waited until she dozed off and placed a kiss on her chubby cheek.

After quietly closing the door to his truck, he climbed in the front to start the ignition and get the air conditioner running. A piece of paper on the windshield caught his attention. He stepped out of the car, retrieving the note.

Time to pay for your sins.

A chill skittered across his spine as the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He searched the parking lot in the darkness, awareness prickling his skin. Was this some sort of sick joke? Who knew he’d be here, with his family no less?


Anger rose as he clenched his fist, crumpling the scrap of paper.

Remy approached him with her hands full. He stuck the note in his pocket. She didn’t need to worry. He would keep them safe.

Mikel took a few steps forward to grab the basket out of her arms. “I’ll get the telescope. Lock the doors and roll up the window when you get inside,” he said, trying to sound more put together than he felt.

“Why?” She turned her head to look around as she climbed in the truck.