Chapter 40


Bang. Bang. Bang.It felt so good to be back in his element, hammering away with his best friend by his side. Not everything was completely resolved between them, but Andre was giving him the chance and that was all that Mikel cared about.

“That’s quitting time,” Tom, Andre’s right-hand man, said, slapping his shoulder.

“See you tomorrow. Have a good night.” Mikel nodded as he started to clean up his workspace.

“We’re right on schedule to finish this rec room on time,” Andre said.

Mikel glanced around the space—one long addition to the already big complex of the Hope Facility. Knowing Remy hadn’t actually slept with the owner, Aaron, made it easier to see the guy was a genuine, good person. Every day they worked, he could hear the kids’ laughter and joking around. They’d finished the new dorms, and within a week, Aaron had said they were full. How much better would his life have been if a place like this had existed for him and his siblings when they were younger? “That’s awesome.”

“How you holding up?” Andre asked, stepping closer.

“I’m good. It’s not like I was out of practice. All I did was build overseas.”

His friend nodded. “I meant staying sober, acclimating to life being a father.”

Mikel guessed he wasn’t going to pull any punches. “Some days are easier than others. The voice is always there, tempting me to use. But each time I refuse, it gets quieter and quieter.”

Andre crossed his arms and nodded.

“Being a dad is terrifying and the most exciting thing I’ve ever done all at the same time. I’m in a constant state of pure amazement that this is my life now.”

“If you are ever tempted, promise me you’ll get help. You can call me. I’d be there in a heartbeat.” His friend’s eyes shone with sincerity.

“I know. I appreciate it.”

“All right, now let’s clean up and get to the beach for that cookout.” Dre slapped him on the back.

“You bringing your girl?”

Andre sighed. “If she’s up for it.”

Their relationship seemed like it was more work than it was worth, but who was he to lecture his friend about healthy relationships?

He packed his stuff into his toolbox and headed out through the main room towards the lobby. A group of kids were sitting in a circle listening to a man sharing about the struggles of his life as a gay homeless teen, and what had saved him from suicide. Mikel entered the lobby, feeling like an intruder on something personal.

Aaron came in the room at the same moment as him. “Heading home for the day?”


“You guys work fast. I really appreciate it,” Aaron said with a friendly smile.

“Is he one of the staff here?” Mikel nodded toward the older man.

“Nah, just a volunteer. Gary wanted to share his story with the kids and offer them hope. He runs a successful Fortune 500 company now, but he came from a pretty bad home and he was on the streets when he was fourteen.”

“Wow.” He turned back towards the room where Gary was hugging a young girl as he wiped at his eyes.

The man was talking about all the worst parts of his life in an effort to relate to the teens. If they came from a home like his, he’d hazard a guess they didn’t have anyone else telling them that they could do something with their lives, that they were special. Because of Aaron, they did now.

“You ever need more people to come and speak?”

Aaron’s smile grew. “Always.”

Maybe it was time he gave back to his community. He could share his demons and possibly something good could come from it.