Bently nodded. “Ahh, yes. Well, if they don’t, they’re crazy. Most people see that house as a big money pit though. It’s a good thing one of your brothers knows his way around construction.”

Jasmine sat back down, placing a bowl of soup in front of him. “I was going to ask Andre. I’m sure he’d be more than willing to help and give me a deal.”

“Ask Andre what?” Mikel said, carrying Lyra in on his shoulders. She was all smiles.

Jasmine huffed. “To help me remodel the Jensons’ beach house for my inn.”

“I can do it,” Mikel said, without hesitation.

“Are you gonna give me a better deal than Dre?” Jasmine asked, crossing her arms.

“Sure. You buy the supplies and I’ll do the work for free. Can’t beat free labor.” Mikel smiled.

Jasmine was quiet for a moment before nodding. “I would appreciate that. Thank you.”

“Anything for my little sister.” Mikel seemed to send an unspoken message with his eyes towards Jasmine. Hope filled Remy at the sight of them starting to make amends. If she and Mikel could find a way back to each other, anything was possible.

“Now, I seem to have misplaced my daughter,” Mikel said, making a show of searching the room.

Lyra giggled above him.

“Has anyone seen her? I can hear her, but I can’t find her.”

“No, we haven’t seen her.” Remy played along.

“I guess she won’t be able to look at the stars with us tonight, then.” Mikel sighed.

“I want to go! I’m up here, Daddy!” Lyra yelled and pulled his face to look at her.

He chuckled. “There you are!” He swung her around and kissed her cheeks.

Remy’s heart was bursting at the seams as the man she loved fit so perfectly into his role as Lyra’s father as well as her boyfriend once again.

“I’ve got a surprise for you, princess,” Mikel said.

“A surprise for me?” Lyra’s eyes widened and her mouth opened in awe. “It’s not even my birthday!”

“I know. But I saw your dolly didn’t have a proper bed and I made one for her.” He crouched down and opened the closet door before pulling out a beautifully carved, intricate cradle painted white.

“Oh, Daddy! This is beautiful. It has my name on it so everyone will know it’s mine and my daddy made it for me.” She ran into his arms, nearly knocking him over. Mikel caught her as tears welled in Remy’s eyes. The well of joy spilled within her, soaking her in the warm sunlight of gratitude. Life couldn’t get any better than this.

“Thank you,” she said.

Mikel’s eyes locked on to her, saying everything she had wished so long to hear. I’m here for you. I love you.

“Anything for my girls.”