Chapter 39


Remy carried out a freshly decorated set of unicorn cookies and slid them into the glass display case. The café was filled with happy customers enjoying their beverages while reading, working, or chatting at the several tables spread throughout the room—her dream come true.

Emma wiped down the steamer before holding the white paper cup towards Remy. “Here. Looks like you need a little caffeine in your life today.”

Remy stifled a yawn before she wrapped her fingers around the warm concoction. Bringing it to her nose, she inhaled the earthy roast with a hint of sweetness. “Mmm, thank you. Is it that obvious that I was up half the night?”

Emma smirked with a knowing glint in her eye. “Only for those of us who know how to read you. Now, tell me, how has this last week of sneaky sleepovers been? How much rest are you actually getting?”

Remy’s cheeks burned as she tried to hide her smile. Deciding the conversation was best had in private, she nodded towards the back room.

Emma followed her, not waiting until the door had swung closed to remark, “Good god, I’m surprised you’re not limping after such a hiatus and then going at it like rabbits.”

“Emma! Do you have to say that so loud?” Remy cringed.

The smile on her friend’s face only widened. “Well, you need to spill. I want every sordid detail. The dirtier, the fucking better.”

Remy rolled her eyes and sipped the hot coffee, buying herself some time. “We’ve had a lot of catching up to do.” She played coy.

“Five years is a lot of fucking to make up for.” Emma laughed.

“Why are you so crude?”

“All I want to know is, does he make you happy? You were wrecked after everything. I know he seems good now, but with addicts … you never know what will send them over the deep end.” The glint in Emma’s eyes faded.

Remy touched her friend’s arm. “Hey, I promise if it turns into anything unsafe or if I find out he’s using again, I will end it. But some addicts do turn everything around. They are not all like … her.”

Emma sniffed and nodded. “You can say my mother. She’s not Voldemort. He who must not be named.” They laughed together and Remy pulled her friend in for a hug.

“Okay, enough of this emotional crap. You have somewhere to be and I have a café to run while you’re gone,” Emma said, moving away.

Remy’s heart ached for her best friend. She admired how far Emma had come with such a difficult past. “You’re right. Take care of my Stardust Café and she’ll take care of you.” Remy winked and kissed her friend’s cheek before grabbing her purse and keys.

“Drive safe,” Emma said.

“I always do.”

* * *

Remy walked along the front path to Bently’s house. The summer sun was already beating steadily, forming a sheen of sweat on her body. Thank god for summer dresses.

A rustling in the bushes at the side of the house caught her attention. She froze, searching the mass of green. Is it an animal?

A low, deep growl emanated from the shrubbery. She gasped.

“That’s right, baby, it’s the big, bad wolf,” Mikel said as he climbed out from behind the leaves.

Remy placed a hand over her thumping heart. “You scared me to death.”

“You should fear me.” Mikel stalked towards her, a predatorial gleam in his eyes. He was still wearing his clothes from work: steel-toe boots, torn jeans, and an orange T-shirt with Seaview Construction written across his broad chest.

“You look mighty hungry, Mister Wolf.” She played along.

He leaned in, inches from her, and sniffed her neck before nipping it with his teeth. “I’m starving. Do you think you have something that could appease my appetite? It’s very specific,” he said, staring into her eyes.

She shivered at the intensity. This felt too real. She swallowed as her legs wobbled. “Th-that depends. W-what do you like to eat?”