“I happen to think the sequins are a nice touch,” said Harper. “They give it some color.”

“You can’t be serious.”

Of course she wasn’t, which was why she smiled.

He rubbed his temple. “I don’t suppose there’s any way you can remove the sequins without fucking up the tie?”

Sure there was. “Nope.” She wanted to laugh at the tic going crazy in his cheek.

“If sometime in the future you feel the need to do such a thing again, choose something that wasn’t a gift from you.” He narrowed his eyes at her noncommittal sound. “Harper.”

“Cool your engines, I can fix the damn tie.” Standing upright, Harper straightened her shoulders. “Well, I’m ready. And you’re not, I see. Get moving, we have an opening to attend.”

He cocked his head. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re so eager to leave because you’re so eager to have the whole thing over with?”

“Um, because that’s exactly it.”

Moving to her, Knox loosely curled an arm around her waist. “Everything will be fine. The day will run smoothly. You don’t need to be nervous.”

“I’m not.” At his arched brow, she said, “Okay, maybe I’m a little nervous. But not bad nervous.”

“So what has you so keen on getting it over with?”

Wasn’t it obvious? “I’ll have to talk to people. Like really talk to people. I’ll have to sell myself and my co-workers. It feels awkward and false doing that when I’m not the type of person who seeks to impress people. I also don’t have any charm to dazzle them with, which will make it harder. Mingling is just not my thing.” It annoyed her.

“You charm people all the time. You just don’t realize it.” Many found her openness and lack of façade refreshing. “You have my demon completely charmed.” He kissed her, resting his hands on her ass. “You have no need at all to stress.”

She wasn’t so sure about that. “I predict I’ll offend quite a few people.”

“If it looks like it could happen, I’ll step in,” said Knox. “But I don’t think it will come to that.”

However, it did come to that. Many times, in fact. Especially since a lot of the people were damn chatty, which irritated her demon. Thankfully Knox would sense Harper’s discomfort and smoothly step in; oozing charisma. He sure was handy to have around at times.

Though colorful banners, flyers, and balloons were plastered around the Underground to advertise the opening, Harper hadn’t expected so many people to turn up. She supposed most were probably lured there by the scents of meat grilling, corn boiling, hot peppers, and smoke coming from the grill. But they hadn’t simply grabbed some food and gone on their merry way. They’d stuck around and checked out the studio, sure to take a half-price certificate when they left, which was encouraging.

There was lots of free food on tables lined in front of the studio and the nearby businesses on this side of the strip. The deli, coffeehouse, bakery, ice cream parlor, and diner had all agreed to get involved in the opening. Lots of people stood around, talking and eating and drinking, while listening to the live band that was set up across from the studio. Kids, several of whom were her cousins, were squealing and laughing on the bouncy castle.

“It was a good idea to keep the food and entertainment outside,” said Levi. “It means everyone’s not crammed in the studio and there won’t be plates and cups all over the place.”

It also meant Harper could stand outside to take a break and breathe.

“You’d be surprised by how many people have swiped a business card from the desk.” Khloë tipped her chin toward the flow of demons moving in and out of the studio. “I think a lot of them were just being nosy when they went inside.”

“But if they were impressed enough to take a card, that’s good,” said Keenan, staring at a completely casual Khloë with a furrow between his brows – something he’d been doing for a while.

Harper figured he expected her cousin to feel awkward after her drunken behavior. If so, he was wrong. Khloë didn’t do “awkward.”

“This is a way bigger turn-out than we had at the first opening, which isn’t at all surprising given we have a good reputation and you’re now a Prime,” said Devon, eating off a flimsy paper plate. She hissed when Tanner snatched a chicken wing from it, but the hellhound just ignored her.

“Roan walked by earlier.” Khloë paused to pop open a can of soda. “I half-expected him to come over and be a dick to you again,” she told Harper. “But he seemed to think better of it because you had this tower of terror and sex appeal at your side.”

Knox blinked, unsure if he was offended or not. “Tower of terror and sex appeal?”

Khloë lifted one shoulder. “Am I wrong?”

Chuckling, Harper shook her head. “No, you’re not.” Her demon was in complete agreement that its mate was both hot and terrifying at the same time.

“Have you noticed that a lot of people are staring at you, looking puzzled?” Devon asked Harper.

She glanced around. Huh. Devon was right. “Weird.” But whatever.

Knox understood why they were looking puzzled, because he’d been playing close attention. It was interesting to see people’s reaction to Harper. She didn’t talk or act like a typical Prime, demanding respect and acknowledgment and submission. She never rubbed her status in people’s faces. Never spoke like she was above them or like they owed her anything. She smiled and laughed and ate junk food, and he could see that most just didn’t know what to make of her.