It might be fun to watch, but it wouldn’t be fun to have any part in. Putting down the tattoo gun, Harper removed her plastic gloves, put them in the trash can, and strode over to the reception desk. Raini and Devon moved to flank her, their expressions hard. Harper almost recoiled from the cloying rose perfume wafting from the dolphin.

Alethea gave her a beautiful smile. “Harper, how are you today?”

God, it was just too freaking hot for mind games. Although they had the air conditioning on full blast, there was really no escaping the heat. It made the air feel heavy and dry as a bone.

Alethea was also showing the effects of the heatwave – sweat beaded on her face, spoiling her make-up, and her sleek hair had a slight frizz to it. Harper was petty enough to find that amusing. Bluntly, she asked, “Why are you here?”

Alethea gave an innocent shrug. “I thought we could have lunch.”

“I’ve already eaten.” Actually, she hadn’t, but she’d sooner starve than go anywhere with this particular she-demon.

“How about coffee, then?”

Harper narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

“I was just hoping we could have a little chat.”

“I don’t chat.”

Alethea’s smile faded. “This is important.”

Harper folded her arms. “Then I guess you’ll just have to spill it right here.” There were no humans around, so neither of them would have to mind their words.

“Fine.” Alethea lifted her chin. “I came here to ask you to be careful with Knox.”

Okay, Harper didn’t have a clue what that meant. “I’m sorry, what?”

“He’s so tough that people don’t realize it’s possible to hurt him. They’re not careful with his feelings. I just don’t want you to make the same mistake I did.”

“You’re insinuating that you hurt Knox?”

“I didn’t do it deliberately. I didn’t think he cared about me. I didn’t think he’d care what I did or didn’t do, so I didn’t think of it as cheating on him. That was when we broke up. We still got together from time to time, but… I guess he just couldn’t forgive me enough to give me a real second chance. I’d like to see him happy. It seems like you’re capable of making him happy. So I wanted to give you some advice. I don’t want to see him hurt again.”

“So what you’re saying is… he was serious about you; he cared for you; and despite being hurt by you, he still wanted you so badly that he’s fucked you on many occasions since your betrayal – he just couldn’t help himself.” Harper turned to Khloë, who was fanning her flushed face. “I wasn’t aware before now that I looked gullible.”

“I don’t think you do,” said the imp.

“And yet, she clearly thinks I’ll believe that mound of bullshit.” Her demon would be pissed if the whole thing wasn’t so pitiful.

Alethea spluttered. “Excuse me?”

Raini snorted. “Oh come on, you didn’t honestly think Harper would believe that, did you?”

“Were you hoping to make her feel jealous and insecure, or are you trying to cause some kind of divide between her and Knox?” asked Devon, sounding tired. The poor hellcat was so lethargic from the heat, she made Harper think of a wilting plant.

“What I said was the truth,” Alethea stated. “His demon gets bored of females easily, but it never got bored of me. Knox came back to me time and time again. A lot of people thought he and I would one day finally get together for good.”

“Let me ask you something.” Harper leaned forward, elbows on the desk, and brought out the big guns. “Did his demon ever brand you?” Her tone said that it had sure branded her.

Alethea’s eyes flared and every line of her body tensed.

“Did Knox want you as his mate?” Harper held up a hand when the she-demon went to answer. “There’s really no sense in lying about either of those things. I already know the answers. And those answers tell me all I need to know about what Knox did or didn’t feel for you. They should also tell you all you need to know.”

Her beautiful face scrunched up into something bitter and hateful. “You think you can keep him?” she sneered. “You think this mating is real?”

“You do or you wouldn’t be here trying to stir shit. You know it’s real and you hate it.”

“It’s the way he looks at her, isn’t it?” Devon said to Alethea. “His face softens and his eyes smile… like he’s spent the whole day waiting to see her and his entire system relaxes as soon as he spots her. There’s no way to deny how he feels about her, so it’s sort of silly that you’d try, but whatever.”

Alethea gave Harper a withering look. “The Knox I know would never concern himself with a Wallis, let alone have one in his bed.”

“Then clearly you don’t know him at all,” said Harper. Knox had an alliance with Jolene well before he and Harper met.

“You’re not even his type,” spat Alethea. “For that matter, he’s not your type either. You prefer humans. In fact, Knox is the first demon you ever slept with. Before him, you were with the guy whose family owns the café over there.”

Harper raised her brows. The dolphin had been doing her homework.

Devon looked at Harper. “I’ve always said that a crazy ex can do better research than law enforcement.”