“It’s chicken parmigiana, or at least I hope that’s what it ended up being. I know how much you love it.”

“Wow, Alex… I didn’t know you were a chef too,” I teased.

“I do my best.”

I kissed Alex and he took Ollie from me, giving my arms a break.

“Oh, Duncan also told me that he appreciates you donating all the insulin pumps, and he wants to take us to dinner later this week.”

“He doesn't have to do that.”

“You know how he is,” I said with a laugh. “He wants to make sure he personally thanks you. What you did, Alex, it’s a big deal, you know. You’ve probably saved some lives.”

Alex shrugged, and I swear there was some color to his cheeks. I liked making him blush. He was so cute when I complimented him.

Alex placed Ollie down at the dining table before running off to grab dinner from the kitchen.

“Wait here, sit and let me serve you tonight,” he said.

“Mmm, I like the sound of that,” I said with a wink.

Alex scurried off to the kitchen, and that’s when I noticed Ollie playing with something.

It looked like a box from a jewelry store.

“Where did you get that?” I asked.

Ollie quickly tried to slip it back into his pocket, but it was too late. I reached for it, and he handed it to me.

“Daddy!” Ollie called out. “She found the surprise!”

Alex came rushing into the room, setting the plates down quickly. “Oh no, not yet… Crap, I wasn’t ready.”

“Ready for what?” I asked as I stared at the little black box. “It’s a surprise? Can I open it?”

“What do you think, little man, should we give Mommy her surprise now?”

Ollie nodded. Alex ruffled his hair. “I guess I should have been a little more careful about who I told to hold onto it for me, huh?” He chuckled.

“So can I open it?” I asked again.

Alex cleared his throat and dropped down to his knee in front of me. I was so confused for the longest time until he took the box from my hand and opened it, displaying the biggest diamond ring I had ever seen.

My hands went up to my mouth. “Oh Alex… Is this… What I think it is?”

“Grace, will you marry me?”

I looked over at Ollie who was grinning and nodding his head yes as if to tell me what to say. Not that I needed the extra push, I already knew in my heart that Alex and I were meant to be together.

That we were meant to be a family.

“Yes, of course, yes,” I said.

Alex slipped the ring onto my finger, and I moved my hand around, letting the light catch all the little rivets. “It’s so beautiful.”

“Yay! Mommy happy!” Ollie sang, wriggling around in his seat.

Alex kissed me and I held him closely, trying to find the words to share my good news, as well.