Alex’s eyes were open, and he smiled when I stepped into the room.

“How’s Ollie?” he asked.

“The doctor said he is still sleeping, but he is recovering well so far,” I said, moving toward Alex. “How are you?”

“Oh, I feel good. I credit the pain medication for that though. Doc says I’ll feel some pain, but they’re going to do their best to keep me comfortable.”

“Good,” I said, taking Alex’s hand in mine. I felt tears welling up as I looked at him. “Alex, I know you worried about not being a good father, but you just met him and you’re already the best dad I could have ever asked for to be there for my son. You’re already a better dad than yours ever was. You jumped right in and did what you had to do for him, and words can never express how much that means to me.”

I leaned down and placed a kiss against his forehead.

I wanted to thank him with more than just words.

I lingered above his face before moving lower, placing my lips against his. He kissed me back, his hands stroking my cheek.

After a moment, he pulled back.

“You said you didn’t want to let feelings get in the way.”

“I know I said that, but well, I can’t help but have some hope for us. Call me naive, but I would like our family to be whole.”

“I’d like that too.”

His words left me breathless.


“I’ve been thinking… I could move my operations to Denver. I don’t have to be centered in San Francisco. I could be here for you and Ollie.”

“We would love that.”

“So would I,” he said, holding my hand. “Of course, we’ll take things slow, but I’d like to see where this goes. I’d like to try. For Ollie, of course, but also… I’ve never felt the same way about anyone else as I do you, Grace. I’ve always loved you; I’ve never stopped loving you.”

“I’ve never stopped loving you, either.”

“Even after what I did?”

I kissed him again. “Yes. I’m not going to hold the past over your head forever. I forgive you, Alex, and I want to see where this goes.”

“Then let’s do this. As soon as I’m better, I’ll work to move my operations locally. At the very least, I want to be part of Ollie’s life… and if we can make it work, yours as well.”

“I’d like that very much.”

My face almost hurt from smiling so much.

There was a knock on the door, and two orderlies pushed in a hospital bed. Ollie was still asleep, but a nurse came in and said, “He’s starting to wake up, it’s usually easier if they’re with family, as it can be a little scary.”

“Thank you,” I said.

Alex sat up in the bed to get a better view of his son.

Ollie’s little eyes opened, and he whimpered, “Mommy…”

“It’s okay, Ollie,” I said, taking his hand. “I’m right here. You're okay.”

Ollie looked over at Alex.

“Daddy is here too,” I said softly, thinking how good it felt to say those words.