“One step at a time,” he repeated. “You did the right thing, Grace. I hope you know that. No matter what happens, you’ve always done what was best for Ollie.”

“Thank you, Duncan.”

“How are things going between you and Alex?”

That was a loaded question, but I skipped over any talk of our relationship, or potential relationship, and focused on Ollie instead. “Good, he’s really stepped up. It’s a weight off my shoulders knowing that he’s here, and that he’s willing to help. In fact, there’s something else I need to talk to you about.”

“What’s that?”

“I think I’m going to quit working at the clinic, Duncan. I’m going to submit my resignation soon; I need to be here for Ollie.”

“Good, I think that’s the right thing to do considering the circumstances.”

“I agree,” I said, glancing back in the room and checking on my sweet boy. Still sleeping, no surprise there. “And Alex has offered to help us financially, so we have nothing to worry about. I didn’t want to take money from him but– well, he insisted, and said it was the least he could do since he hadn’t been around for the first few years of Ollie’s life. He’s trying to make up for it now.”

“As he should, and you do need to take care of yourself and Ollie. So don’t feel guilty for taking the help, Grace.”

“So, you’re okay with me quitting? I know it’ll likely leave the clinic in a bind, but–”

“Fuck the clinic,” Duncan replied, taking me by surprise. “Pardon my French, but it’s not your fault that we’re understaffed. It’s Stan’s fault. He’s trying to cut costs and it comes at the expense of our nurses and our patients. Which is why, well, I wanted to talk about this later, but…”

“Talk about what?” My ears perked up.

“I’m going to be quitting in the next few months, too. I have plans to start my own practice, and I’d like to bring you on once I’m set up.”

“You’re offering me a job, Duncan?”

“I am. It won’t happen right away, so you have plenty of time to take care of Ollie as he recovers, and I plan to hire enough staff so that even if you need to take extra time off, it won’t be a problem.”

“Thank you, Duncan. That eases my mind a lot, and I appreciate the offer so much.”

“Anytime, Grace. You’re good at what you do, and I think we’ll make a good team.”

It felt like things were finally coming together. After years of struggling, I was finally getting a break. Leaving my job had seemed impossible only a day or two before, and even with Alex promising to take care of us, I had worried about my career long-term, but Duncan’s offer sealed the deal for me. I was going to quit my job.

I was just about to call my boss and let him know it was official when the beeping in Ollie’s room grew louder and faster, like an alarm going off. Nurses gathered at the nursing station nearby rushed down the hall toward me, pushing past me and into the room without saying a word.

My heart raced as I attempted to step into the room, but one of the nurses wrapped her arm around my shoulders, turning me away from my son. She led me toward the door, but my neck craned back to see the nurses and several doctors checking my son’s vitals.

“What’s happening to him?”

“His vitals went a little crazy, but I’m sure it’s okay,” the kind nurse said. “Let them do their job, and we can wait out here.”

Alex stepped into the doorway, blocking our path. He was breathless and his eyes scanned the room. “What’s going on?”

“Something is wrong with Ollie,” I choked out.

“The doctors are looking in on him now,” the nurse said calmly, motioning for Alex to step outside with me.

“I want to see my son,” Alex demanded, refusing to move.

“You need to let the doctors work,” the nurse argued.

Alex looked at me, and I nodded. I knew from my years of nursing that having us in the room would mean we were in their way. I wanted to be by his side too, but there was no way to do that without impeding what they were doing.

Instead, I fell into Alex’s arms as the door to the room closed behind us.

“Oh God,” I sobbed into his chest, my fists balled up and clutching his shirt. “What if–”