But I didn’t know this Alex. The rich, accomplished one who had dropped his friends in favor of what, success? I still had no idea why he left us all those years ago.

Ollie sealed his mouth shut, refusing any more bites. I considered eating the rest of his applesauce, but for some reason, it just made me sad. My son used to love the stuff, he couldn’t get enough of it and here he was, eating two bites and refusing any more. He even turned down ice cream. What three-year-old turned down ice cream?

A sick one, that’s who.

My stomach twisted and this time, not from hunger.

“Read to me, Mommy?”

“Of course, baby,” I said, pulling out one of the books I had brought with me. “Are you in the mood for Duckie or Goodnight Moon?”

“Goodnight Moon.”

I read to my son as he drifted off to sleep, cherishing the moments he was awake since there were fewer and fewer of them. And if he didn’t get a transplant… No, he would. He would get it. Even if Alex couldn’t ? or wouldn’t ? help, someone would come through for my little boy. They had to.

I slipped the book away into my bag and relaxed in the chair. My eyes were heavy too, but I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t shut down the thoughts that were swirling in my head.

My phone rang and I stepped out to answer it.

“Hi Duncan,” I said.

“Hey Grace, how are you guys holding up over there?”

“Ollie isn’t eating, they are going to give him a feeding tube,” I replied, my voice cracking, feeling like the walls were caving in around me. It had only been a few days, but I felt like I hadn’t left the hospital in months.

“I’m sorry, I’m sure the doctors are doing everything they can for him. And how are you, friend?”

“Me? Hanging in there, I guess.”

“When was the last time you ate?”

“Just a couple hours ago.”

“I mean, something that didn’t come out of a vending machine. The last time you had an actual meal?”

“I don’t know, a few days ago, I guess. Who knew it was possible to survive off packaged cookies and chips?”

I tried to laugh, but no sound came out.

“Well then, I’m going to insist you come over to my place and have a home-cooked meal tonight.”

“Tonight? I can’t.”

“Is Ollie awake? He’s usually asleep by this time, right?”

“Yes, but what if something happens while I’m gone, Duncan. I can’t leave him.”

“You need to be at your best to be there for him, Grace. And that means eating and getting some rest. I’ve made up the guest room for you, you can take a nap and if the hospital calls, I’m not far away. I can get you there in minutes.”

“I don’t know, Duncan.” I bit my lip and looked in on Ollie.

“Ollie sleeps through the night. You need this, Grace. You both do.”

My stomach growled so loudly, I feared that Duncan might hear it over the phone. The idea of food, real food, sounded nice, I had to admit. Ollie did sleep through the night. He was stable and I knew that if anything were to happen, the nurses and doctors would be there by his side within minutes, and I wouldn’t be far behind.

“I probably won’t sleep there, but dinner does sound nice. What time?”

“As soon as you’re ready. I can pick you up.”