The suit he was wearing seemed to be cut to fit his body, and it probably was. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw Alex in a suit. Was it high school prom?

I didn’t get a chance to answer his question before Duncan stepped back in and dropped off two plates of baked chicken, mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus, and a salad that was filled with brightly colored vegetables. Everything looked so good. He even brought a baguette and cheese. Although only moments ago I was starving, I had suddenly forgotten all about that and my gaze went back to Alex.

“Bon Appetit, you two,” Duncan said, before stepping back into the kitchen and closing the large French doors that separated the two rooms.

After four years of wanting to hear from him, Alex was finally standing in front of me. I had called and called and called, leaving message after message. I had so much I wanted to say to him. Now that he was here however, standing right in front of me, I suddenly couldn’t find the words.

Chapter 11


She was as beautiful as I remembered. Even more so.

Her hair fell messily around her face in soft, golden waves, and her blue eyes were so piercing, they seemed to look right through me. She looked so tired though, dark circles enveloped her eyes and contrasted with her pale skin, but it didn’t make her any less beautiful to me.

“Grace, I’m sorry. I don’t really expect you to forgive me, but I have regretted every second of the last four years.” I shoved my hands in my pockets and fought the urge to stare at my feet. I needed to look her in the eye, she deserved at least that.

“Why? Why did you just leave like that?” Tears welled in her eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to rush over to her and wipe them away, but I knew that she wouldn’t allow that. Not after how I treated her.

“I, I don’t really know what to say,” I said. “Sit down, eat, please.”

“Only if you explain why you left me that day.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Grace reluctantly took a seat across from me as I sat down too. The food looked amazing, but I wasn’t hungry. Grace eyed the food and she picked up her silverware. She placed the napkin in her lap like a proper lady; her parents had always made sure she had excellent table manners. To be honest, she had taught me everything I knew about how to have successful dinners with clients and important people. I sure didn’t learn any etiquette from my folks.

I noticed that we had a choice between iced water, sparkling water, and a couple sodas. I poured some water for myself and offered it to Grace, but she shook her head. She reached for a Pepsi instead.

“I’m waiting,” she said.

“I know, I’m just not sure where to start.”

“From the beginning, maybe?”

“What I wrote was true, I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Bullshit. You didn’t want to deal with the emotions of saying goodbye and facing what we had done the night before.” She took a small bite of chicken, but her eyes stayed glued to me.

“Maybe you’re right.” She glared at me. “Alright, yes, you’re right. What do you want me to say? I’ve always struggled with goodbyes.”

“And being honest about your feelings.”

“Yeah, that too.”

She took a few more bites, and I still hadn’t touched my meal. I looked around, thinking what this meal needed was a glass of wine, but I didn’t see any sitting about. No wonder, Duncan had told me to be sober.

“Go on,” Grace prodded.

I took a deep breath and finally let it out, as best I could.

“Grace let’s face it, you deserved better than what I could offer you. You wanted the kids, the white picket fence, the family…your father never would’ve approved of me until I made something of myself, we both know that.”

Grace seemed to stiffen in her chair. “What my father does or does not approve of is irrelevant, Alex.”

“No, it does matter. Because your family is super wealthy, and I was just a backwoods boy without a cent to my name most of my life.”

“Well, I have some news for you, my family is just as poor as yours. Even more so if that’s possible, thanks to the debt my dad racked up over the years.”