Darrick muttered something incomprehensible, the relentless drive of his hips thrusting his cock deeper into her greedy depths. Unable to remain silent, she moaned around the cock in her mouth, using the vibration to press against it. Her pussy parted, stretched to accommodate Darrick’s thick length, and her nostrils flared as she fought to get used to it. She knew he was big, but since their last encounter, she’d forgotten just how big.

“Ease into it, that’s it,” he urged, stretching her legs higher and wider. He pulled back, the loss making her grumble in protest, then pushed in. This time, slippery with her juices, he slid deeper. His thrusts stayed short, but deeper each time until his balls slapped against her ass and he filled her to the brim.

“Ugh, I’d forgotten how tight you are,” Darrick panted. His hands on her knees, he held her open and began long, slow thrusts. They alternated their movements. One cock in, one cock out, until she moaned in an endless litany of need. She wanted this, wanted both of them. Loved the feeling of Verne’s cock in her mouth. Liked hearing his growls and moans as much as she liked the feel of Darrick pounding her pussy with this thick length. As though on command, Darrick growled, his thrusts speeding up.

“Fuck…not long,” he gasped and stiffened. Her moan escaped as he came in long, hot jets deep within her.

“Shit…” She broke away from Verne’s cock to protest. “Not yet.”

Both wolves chuckled, the deep male sounds of amusement filling the warm, comfortable darkness.

“Not yet?” Verne smoothed the hair away from her face as Darrick pulled free. She sat up, confusion evident on her face because he clarified. “We’re wolves, love. More stamina than humans…a lot more stamina.”

A shiver worked its way down her spine. Reaching into the darkness, Darrick produced a washcloth, carefully wiping her before cleaning himself. Her cheeks heated. Had they set this up just for her?

“Prove it.” She blinked as some devil took control of her vocal chords and issued the challenge. Both men grinned.

“Not a problem.” Darrick spoke, but Verne moved. “Not a problem at all. I just hope you can keep up with us.”

Reaching for her, he plucked her from the wall as though she weighed nothing. She’d never been a skinny woman, with wide hips and a soft belly no amount of sit-ups seemed to firm up, but he didn’t even grunt with the effort. That little fact made her confidence soar.

Turning her, he sat atop the wall and set her in his lap, her legs dangling over the other side. The head of his cock nudged at her slick pussy and with one slide, he impaled her on the rigid length.


The breath left her lungs in a soft rush and before she could draw more in, hard, fast, short thrusts pounded into her. Hands on her hips, he ground her down against his pelvis at the end of every stroke, catching her clit between them. She clung to his shoulders, blown away by the sensation. Her climax built at an exponential rate and she whimpered to stop herself crying out. She couldn’t come again, not yet, but here she was, about ready to explode.

“Feels good, huh?” Verne rasped in her ear, his breath ragged to match his thrusts. “Come over my cock. I want to feel your cunt tighten around me.”

She nodded, panting. The sound of movement behind her distracted her to Darrick moving around, but she couldn’t pay him any mind, not with Verne impaling her over and over.

He leaned back and she followed him, easing against his chest. He reached around her waist and tucked his hands under her spread thighs, lifting her, parting her, and Darrick’s hands cupped her ass. Heat spiked through her veins as something wet and cold hit the crack of her ass, and slipped down. Lube.

“Such a pretty sight,” he murmured, sliding a thumb between her cheeks, following and rubbing the slickness into her skin. She lost the ability to breathe when he reached her back entrance, a deep groan betraying her need to the two men.

“Yeah…you liked it last time, didn’t you?” Darrick muttered in her ear. “Two cocks deep inside you. Fucking you at the same time, both your holes filled to bursting. You want it, don’t you, love?”

She nodded, unable to form the words. She hadn’t been able to think of much else since that night, her dreams replaying that scene, how it felt to have both men inside her over and over. She needed it, now…as soon as possible, yesterday wouldn’t be fast enough.

He kissed the side of her neck, nuzzling the little spot below her ear that made her melt and added more lube. Verne rocked beneath her, synchronizing his movements with Darrick’s rubbing. She fought to keep her whimpers and moans inside as he eased it into her ass, the broad tip of his thumb against the tight ring of muscle. Pressing lube within, little by little. Her clit ached, dark heat weakening her muscles as he breached her, sliding yet more lube into her.

Held helplessly between them, she arched one way and then the other, grinding down against Verne’s cock before pushing back against Darrick’s hand. Each direction offered delights that whispered over her skin and triggered nerves she didn’t know she had.

Finally, the decision was taken out of her hands. Verne’s movements stopped, his cock throbbing deep inside her and his hands spread out on her hips to hold her still. Darrick’s thumb, slick with lube, pushed deeper and her body gave in surrender. She gasped, her breathing ragged as the thick digit stretched her, pushing and circling the tight ring of muscle. Getting her ready for what was to come.

“That’s it, love, relax. Breathe,” Darrick murmured softly, leaning forward to place a kiss on her shoulder. It was a simple caress, innocent in comparison to his thumb sliding into her ass, but one that made her shiver to her toes. “You’re tight but it’s going to feel so good. I promise.”

She nodded, not trusting her ability to answer and merely pushed back against him in need. His breath washed over her nape and he slowly pulled out of her. She couldn’t help her little moan of loss, but almost immediately, he’d returned.

“Pull out, Verne,” he ordered and started to push into her.

Chapter 7

Her brain was scrambled, her body tingling as every fiber of her being concentrated on the thick head of Darrick’s cock as he pushed into her ass. A moment of panic assaulted her. She’d never take it all, surely? But then Verne moved, sliding his hand between their bodies and his thumb pressed against her clit. They worked in concert, Verne’s slow rub over her clit brought her blood to the boil as Darrick drove his cock in farther.

He didn't rock back and forward, nor did he push continuously. Instead, he thrust slowly, relentlessly...stretching her tight ring around the thick girth of his cock until she almost thought she couldn't take anymore.

Then he stopped, holding still as she fought for breath, trying to get used to the feel of him inside her. Attuned to the reactions of her body, he started to push again as soon as she relaxed.