“Okay, let’s go, I won’t keep you long, but I need you in Heaven for it. Something I’m curious about. I’ve spoken with Dezikiel too,” Michael shared, and I nodded.

He offered me his hand, and I made sure my men had all linked hands and taken my free one before I took his.

I allowed the blinding light to wash over me as I focused on my link to Heaven, not fighting it as Michael took me with him.

We appeared in the same Great Hall I’d been in only a week before, except the pews were now empty.

Only Gabriel greeted us in the otherwise vacant Hall.

“Lily, lovely to see you again,” Gabriel stood from where he was seated on a front pew, stepping forward to bow before he righted himself. I just arched a brow at the formal reception.

“Saraqael and Raguel have returned to their retirements, we’ve offered to come forth and be active for the next few centuries. We’ve divided the retirement years differently from the old schedule we had,” Michael explained as my men stepped up beside me.

“But we won’t keep you long. I’m sure Michael explained our predicament. Since we’ve agreed to not force demonics to do our work for us, angels are out there dealing with the demons now, but when Michael spoke to Dezikiel, he mentioned some of the powers Mr. Baron—a demonic with the ability to sense abilities—spoke of,” he said as he glanced at his brother to confirm he was saying it correctly, which his brother nodded at.

“What’s that got to do with anything?” I asked carefully.

“Well, we’re simply sending angels to where there have been demonic signs and reports, but Mr. Baron said you could likely manipulate lower class demons and sense all demons. So, we want to see if that’s true and if you can help allocate zones for us to send angels to. Guide us on where demons are essentially. And if you can manipulate weaker ones, then perhaps that’s something we could investigate too,” Michael shared their thoughts.

“How will she do that without depleting herself again?” Jack spoke up.

“I imagine it will drain her, but it’s not as extensive as closing the gates of Hell,” Michael said.

“It’ll help keep everyone safe and make things easier all around. I know it’s not fair to ask so much of Lily considering everything, but we could use every little bit of help we can get,” Gabriel said as he looked over his shoulder at the glowing golden orb.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” I said quickly as Jack went to speak up.

“You don’t have to, you’ve done enough,” Chum said softly as he inched closer.

“It could save more lives,” I argued, and Chum fell silent as I looked to Gabriel. “What do I have to do? I don’t know how to use these powers,” I admitted.

“Honestly, I have no idea, but we figured this could be a start.” Gabriel outstretched his hand toward the orb, and it floated down from the wall to settle into his palm, easily the size of a basketball.

“We use this to see anywhere around the world, to check in on our brothers and sisters if they’re linked to Heaven. We believe that with your link to both angels and demonics with your blood, that using it will grant you the ability to also see demons if Mr. Baron is correct about your power,” Gabriel mused. “It’s just a hopeful belief, but we’d love to test it out.”

“Is it safe?” Creeper growled as Gabriel held the orb out to me. I stared at it, only now seeing that it was like a translucent earth globe made of golden magic and dust.

“Yes,” Michael said firmly. “I wouldn’t even suggest it if it wasn’t.”

I looked to Michael, seeing the honesty in his eyes as he gave me a reassuring smile.

I sighed as I reached out, my men all stiffening around me.

‘You don’t have to do this,’Jack stated into my mind.

‘You’ve done your part already,’Bug added.

‘I want to help people. Doing this could save lives or protect other demonics. Hell, it might not even work for crying out loud,’I shot back at them both.

None of them continued to argue as I hesitantly rested both hands on the globe and took it from Gabriel.

Energy pulsated from it, warming my hands and vibrating through me as I stared into the various glowing countries, unsure how to see demons.

“Focus and close your eyes, focus on demons, reach out for them,” Michael instructed, and Gabriel shot him a look but didn’t say a word.

I knew it was a long shot, as did the pair of them, but I did as he said and closed my eyes.

I thought of demons, of those causing the most issues around the world, and I gasped as the entire country flared inside my mind like a glowing beacon, pinpricks of red light appearing all across it.