“Are you ready, Lily?” Michael asked as he stood before me.

My hellhounds had moved away, along with the other archangels as Michael had me stand before the podium. My heart was in my throat as I nodded, and he gave me a reassuring smile.

“Relax, you’ve got this. Just let your angel side through, embrace your grace, and everything will be okay. Joshua said you’d know what to do, and I have full faith in you,” he said softly as he took my hands.

The power that coursed through me from his touch calmed me, and I let my wings reveal themselves as I drew in a steadying breath.

Michael moved away once he was sure I was ready, and I stood before the crowd of angels, all standing to attention after Michael had addressed them and instructed them on what would happen. They’d offer me their grace, powering me up like a battery.

The thought terrified me, but I focused on my mother and her promise that I’d survive. How was it any different from an angel hurling their power at me to destroy me? I could only have faith that it was different and they’d all do as Michael asked.

“The time is now, brothers and sisters. Join us in closing the gates,” Michael called out as he clasped his hands together.

I shot a frantic look to my hellhounds off to the side, their stiff stances and worried expressions making my heart pull. I offered them a reassuring smile, even if I wasn’t sure myself, but that didn’t relieve them in the slightest.

Before I could change my mind, the room lit up with a blinding white light, and I gasped as immense power hit me.

It swirled around me, anew with life and power beyond my imagination as I embraced it, allowing it to merge with my grace and flood through me.

‘Save the world, Lily.’

My mother’s voice was like a reassuring embrace, wrapping around me and gifting me peace and comfort as I accepted it all, the energy filling me to the brim and then pouring out.

A shrill sound started up, and I grimaced, struggling to contain the incredible power from all the angels. Even the archangels were fueling me, their power like nothing I’d ever felt before.

‘We’re here, Lily, you can do this,’Jack’s voice cut through my mind, and I felt his hand take mine.

Despite the blinding light all around, my vision nothing but golden-white light, I sensed my hellhounds take their places around me, Jack and Chum taking my hands while Bug and Creeper stood behind me, resting one hand on each of my shoulders.

The instability inside me righted itself as my power embraced my men, flowing through them like a circuit and anchoring me.

‘You know what to do,’Creeper’s voice was unwavering, and I felt his absolute trust and faith in me. I could feel all of my men, more so than ever before, like they were a part of my entire being, pieces of my soul bound to me completely.

They were as much a part of this as I was, a piece needed to close the gates alongside me.

The power amassing inside me and coursing through my men was reaching its peak, and I focused, the knowledge of what to do arising from deep inside me.

I could do this. Especially with my men by my side.

I let loose the power, gasping as it flooded forth, and I willed it to do what was necessary.

In my mind, I could both see and feel the rips around the globe closing, my power and magic stitching them shut, and the grandiose gates of Hell, a sheer rip between the planes, began to shrink and close in on itself.

I didn’t relent as I gripped my hellhounds’ hands tight, channeling my power through them to remain anchored and stable.

And like the true protectors and warriors they were, they stood firm, the power vibrating through them as their bodies shifted to their golden-white states, their wings stretching out to help the flow of power.

I screamed as the last surge of power tore forth, and with everything I had, I closed all of the gates, the power exploding out of me.

I crumpled as all the power left my body, the blinding light fading as the shocked angels stood before me.

My winged hellhounds caught me, their furry hands holding me steady as my own wings withdrew.

“It’s done,” Lucifer stated, although his voice was distant as my ears rang.

“You did it.” Michael stepped in front of me, and I forced a smile before it faltered.