Ijust balked as I followed after Michael and Lucifer through the white city of Heaven. It looked so pristine, all the buildings a startling white, and the roads a shimmering silver. The buildings had rich golden trimming, and I was awestruck as angels flew overhead or walked around. Many wore suits, but some wore robes or medieval attire.

Michael had brought us here immediately, informing the Gatekeeper who greeted us that a meeting was to be called in the Great Hall. I mentioned Dariel, and Michael spoke with the Gatekeeper to find out what had become of her.

I’d fallen silent when it was confirmed she’d fallen to her brethren.

I inwardly vowed to visit her when I had the chance, to thank her for helping me get as far as I had. And I wanted to see Thomas again.

Now I walked with my hellhounds swarmed around me, following Lucifer and Michael to the Great Hall. The pair had altered their attire to armor upon arrival, looking like God’s mightiest warriors as they strode up the street. The angels that passed us cast us odd looks, perturbed by our odd group. Many stunned looks were cast after Lucifer before they trailed over my hellhounds and I. But no one pulled us up.

I held my chin up, refusing to feel small in this grand city, taking comfort in my men around me.

I itched to take Bug or Chum’s hand as they walked on either side of me, Jack more in front while Creeper took up the rear.

“Seems the place has modernized a bit,” Lucifer mused as he walked. Both the archangels before me had their wings out, a stark contrast of each other with the white and black.

“Yes, it has,” Michael agreed, just as shocked as he looked around at the infrastructure.

It reminded me of an oddly alien city, all bright and spotless. Then again, I wasn’t sure what I’d expected the great white city of Heaven to look like. There were columns around the place that reminded me of Greek architecture, but then the buildings were renaissance style.

It was far too pristine and perfect, not a single crack or worn surface, everything looking dazzling and new. A variety of trees lined the road, cherry blossoms, magnolias, and so many more that I couldn’t name. Many of which I knew wouldn’t grow in the same climate, but I knew questioning it in Heaven was pointless.

But not a single fallen leaf marked the roads. I just shook my head in disbelief as Michael and Lucifer led us up some large stone steps before a giant building with the dome top completely golden. It had to be the Great Hall they’d spoken of.

“Fun fact, not all angels fit in this Hall, but whoever speaks here gets heard across all of the white city,” Lucifer informed me with a mischievous grin. “I got kicked out in my early centuries for dicking around with it.”

“At least you don’t lie,” Michael muttered as he reached the landing.

Armed guards in gold and white armor greeted us with their swords, but they didn’t dare stop the two brothers as we headed right on in, Lucifer shoving the grand golden carved doors open as he entered.

The conversations inside died down instantly, and I took a moment to take in the interior. It honestly reminded me of a church, with white stone pews and a platform at the far end with a podium, although there was no altar here, just a golden glowing orb where I imagined a cross would be on the back wall. The stained-glass windows depicted many angelic scenes, and overhead was carefully carved and painted artwork, scenes I’d never seen before. Gold and white was apparently the chosen colors of Heaven, and I blinked as Chum touched my hand, alerting me to the fact that Lucifer and Michael had already started down the aisle, the angels seated in the pews silent as they watched on. There had to be hundreds of them in the giant room, and yet you could hear a pin drop once we’d burst in with Lucifer.

This didn’t faze the two brothers, and I followed after them, feeling all eyes flicking between us. Many of the faces around us were just startled or concerned, but I could see a few pissed-off expressions in the crowd, and my men tightened their formation around me.

Michael stood on one side of the podium, with Lucifer taking the other, sporting a shit-eating grin.

Michael cast me a look, flicking his gaze up beside him, and I let Jack lead me to the position.

I hated standing before all the angels, but I wasn’t going to go against Michael’s wishes.

More angels filed in after us as we stood before the crowd, and Jack had moved to stand to my left with Chum, while Bug and Creeper were on my right.

We waited only a few more moments, and I tracked my gaze over the completely filled room as Michael cleared his throat.

“Welcome, everyone. I know many of you will be surprised to see me having left my retirement, and even more shocked to see my brother here in Heaven alongside me,” Michael’s voice rang out like he was wearing a microphone, and I fought the urge to play with my bracelet as my nerves made themselves known. My heart was fluttering, and I fought the light-headedness that threatened to blur my vision before the crowd. Now was not the time for everything to come crashing down around me, for my steeled self to crumble. I could do this. I had to.

“I’m glad to be home, even if only for a visit. Seems some of you dumb fu— “

“Lucifer,” Michael cut him off, and Lucifer sighed before plastering a grin on.

“Some of you lovely twats thought you’d jump on the chance to let Armageddon wipe out the human race. No idea how some of you let your minds get so twisted. Our father left us with solid instructions,” Lucifer continued.

I did wonder where God had gone, was he retired too? Now was not the time to ask though.

“For good reason.”

I grimaced as one of the angels stood up in the crowd. Uriel.