Ihated this. I could sense my brothers mirrored my distress for Lily. We were useless in the presence of the two original sons of God. She had to step up, speaking with them as we remained silent. The last thing we wanted to do was piss off one of the two formidable archangels. We’d protect Lily, especially with our newfound power, but I wasn’t convinced we’d survive against them.

So I just watched as Joshua read Lily, their eyes glowing white softly. I could feel the power sizzling through the air around them, charging it with angel grace.

I flicked my gaze to Lucifer, taking in those black horns that hadn’t receded. Hell had changed the archangel, either that or he’d chosen to manifest horns for his form.

I wanted to speak with Lily alone, having heard of her visit with her mother and Thomas being with her. I had questions, and I could sense her emotional turmoil from everything, even if she was masking it well.

I also wanted to figure out more about this angel grace inside us now. That was new. Sure, I’d felt something change that night we’d all been with her, but angel grace? I’d not expected that at all.

But we’d felt her reach out, calling to us with her power, dragging us to her when she desperately needed us. And we’d gone, allowing her magic to encase us and summon us into Heaven. The feeling had been otherworldly and immense, the power resonating inside us all, changing our bodies and forms when we’d shifted.

I wanted to shift again, to discover more about my new winged state. Was it permanent? When it had happened, it felt permanent. Like I’d evolved into something more profound, something greater than I could have imagined.

And in that state, I’d not only felt my brothers, but I’d also heard them. Their voices were as clear as day in my mind.

I’d tried to hear them again since we’d shifted back, but I’d only felt things really. Knew what they were feeling and have a rough idea of what they were thinking.

Chum was uneasy and had been ever since we’d been brought here, along with Bug, although they’d both felt powerful and sure of themselves in their shifted state. Now they were unsettled but ready to shift instantly if things went sideways.

Creeper had his entire focus on Lucifer, not trusting the devil despite his kinship with Michael, who I wasn’t sure was entirely trustworthy either. Sure, he appeared to be one of the good guys, but angels had flipped a switch around us, so being on guard was mandatory now. I believed he had the right intentions, hell, I even thought Lucifer did too, but I wasn’t going to relax until I knew Lily was entirely safe.

“She is indeed the Divine Key,” Joshua said finally as he released Lily’s hands, and she stepped back.

I automatically moved from where I stood so that I was behind her, one hand on her waist to steady her.

Lucifer noticed this, his smirk only growing, but he didn’t comment.

“Wonderful,” Michael said with a sigh of relief. “I didn’t doubt her words to be true, but I had to be sure.”

“So, how do we go about closing these rips? I have things to do, a retirement to enjoy,” Lucifer stated as he enjoyed a cracker with cheese.

“What exactly does your retirement look like? Orgies? You were always tempted by the flesh,” Joshua scoffed, but Lucifer just laughed.

“Indeed, old man. I was cast out, not completely Fallen since I needed my angel grace to do my duties, but I no longer had to obey the silly principles of angels,” Lucifer grinned, and Joshua just scowled. “Besides, the feel of flesh is intoxicating, orgasmic—"

“Enough, brother,” Michael cut him off, and Lucifer just chuckled. Michael focused on Joshua and nodded. “How do we close the rips?”

“I can see things to an extent, I don’t hold all the answers,” Joshua grumbled. “She requires angel grace and a lot of it. Think of it like charging a battery.”

“Then what?” I spoke up, not liking the sound of it. Charging a battery made me think of an explosion, and I was not going to allow her to be used. I wanted to believe Jophiel when he’d said she would be safe.

“Don’t worry, I’ll survive, my mom already told me.” Lily’s expression was soft as she turned to face me, her emerald eyes set as she gave me a small smile. “I’ll be okay.”

I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and take her away from all of this, to keep her safe, not just physically. This was going to be doing a number on her emotionally and mentally, especially if she’d seen her mother and then watched Thomas die again.

“What will she do though once charged? How would she close the gates to Hell fully?” Lucifer queried, and Joshua just cast his gaze on Lily.

“She’ll know what to do,” he stated as he shakily got to his feet. “Now, I was busy.”

“Should update the form you’ve taken, prophet. Looks like that one’s getting worn,” Lucifer commented. “And I swear, you prophets love to be vague.”

“Well, not everything in life is supposed to be easy,” Joshua shot back before he turned to Michael. “I hope I’ve been able to help you.”

“You have, thank you, Joshua.” Michael nodded at him, and Joshua turned to smile at Lily.