Relief flooded through me at that, and I leaned back in my chair, taking the moment to enjoy the brief comfort I found in that.

But I had so many more things to tell them.

“Dezikiel and Jophiel are being held here, apparently. They were taken prisoners when the Academy came under attack,” I said, and Michael’s brows knitted together.

“I know the both of them, I’ll make sure they’re released,” Michael said as he held out a hand.

I just watched as a glowing version of himself manifested out of his hand and shot off through the window.

“A projected state. I’ll use it to pass along the message to release them. I’ll also be calling upon one of our prophets. We have a few of them in Heaven, ‘Messengers of God’, they transcribed his words for him,” Michael explained as he poured some tea for us all.

“They’re still running those whole Demonic Academies? Cute,” Lucifer chuckled as he accepted the tea from his brother. I tried not to snort at seeing the devil sipping tea out of a porcelain teacup, his horns prominent.

“Have been for a long time. Although, before they had them as schools, they had brotherhoods and such,” Michael stated as he handed us all tea.

“So, if you can access the other Levels of Heaven, I wonder if you can in Hell too?” Lucifer mused as he flicked his gaze to me.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Here, it was easy, there are archways to travel through, although I hadn’t intended to go to my mother’s Heaven.” I looked to my men, surprised at how quiet they’d been this whole time. They were just silently watching. Jack was holding his tea, but I could see the stiffness in his jaw, while Bug was tapping the edge of his cup, and I noticed his elastic band was gone completely.

Creeper had not stopped watching Lucifer since we’d arrived, while Chum was flicking between the two archangels, his expression steeled, like he was prepared to fight at the drop of a hat.

“I like this one. She’s truthful,” Lucifer remarked before he glanced at my men. “And her hellhounds are mighty protective. Powerful too with all that angel grace linked in. I would love to know how you did that,” he commented as he smiled at me.

A smile from the devil should’ve had my skin crawling, but for some reason, my shoulders actually relaxed.

“I’m not sure, we became linked at some point, and things changed,” I said with a shrug, praying my cheeks didn’t heat up.

Lucifer cocked his head at me, then raised his hand. I stiffened as he clicked his fingers, and my hellhounds started to rumble.

I looked to Jack, seeing the familiar hellfire flickering in his eyes as he bared his teeth.

“Well, now that’s even more intriguing,” Lucifer chuckled. “You boys can relax, I was just getting a read of you.”

“Don’t go igniting their hellfire like that, brother,” Michael chided him.

I frowned as I instinctively touched Jack’s leg under the table, his growls having died down as he cleared his throat. He gave me a soft smile before it fell when he looked back at Lucifer.

“Sorry, Lily, I’m able to bring forth their demonic sides if I wish. I just wanted to see if I could understand how they’d linked with you. Seems a more intimate relationship is the reason for it,” Lucifer smirked, and Michael arched a brow as he tracked his gaze over us.

Fuck. I wanted to sink down into a hole at the way Michael was studying all of us.

But Jack’s warm hand covering mine under the table eased me as Michael finally cracked a grin.

“Well, that is interesting. Not my place to comment though. God may have originally stated it was one man and one woman, but even he acknowledged that evolution and such will alter that. A lot of the Bible stuff is not correct actually.” Michael picked up his tea, unfazed by this new knowledge ultimately.

“And then orgies are welcome in Hell,” Lucifer added, causing me to inhale the sip of tea I’d been about to take to cover my unease.

I coughed and sputtered, and Jack patted my back as Lucifer just beamed like an amused child.

“Brother, don’t distress her,” Michael said with a sigh as he shook his head.

“But the young ones are so fun,” Lucifer pouted, and I had to do a double-take once I was able to breathe. The devil certainly wasn’t like anything I’d expected.

“Dezikiel and Jophiel are being released and returned to Earth, I’ve also found a Prophet which I’ll bring back,” Michael said as his eyes glowed briefly for a moment.

I nodded at this as I cleared my throat, my eyes still watering from the coughing fit.

“Hopefully this Prophet can confirm everything for us, which one did you get?” Lucifer asked.