“Lucifer, it appears our brethren have decided to take on the role of God. They seek to bring Armageddon upon the world,” Michael explained as Lucifer gazed around the area lazily.

Even my hellhounds had stilled, completely caught off guard by the fact the goddamn devil was right here right now. And he looked like a tired playboy who’d been roused from his slumber, completely bored as he rubbed his temple and shook his wings.

“Fuck, that’d piss dad right off,” Lucifer said with a heavy sigh. “How are they planning on doing that?”

“Well, I believe it has something to do with this young hybrid, who has been prophesied as the Divine Key,” Michael explained.

I just flicked my gaze between the three archangels, still trying to wrap my head around it. Why had Michael called upon Lucifer? How had he gotten him here into Heaven? And why would he possibly stand with him?

“The Divine Key?” Lucifer’s attention was on me now as he cocked his head and surveyed my hellhounds. “Are they hellhounds?”

Michael just shrugged, and Lucifer frowned.

“Brother, please—" Uriel started, but Lucifer stuck up his hand to silence him.

“Girl, are they hellhounds? What has happened to them?” Lucifer asked, seeming more focused on my hellhounds than the situation going on.

I just blinked, still disbelieving the damn devil was talking to me, but he arched a brow at me, forcing me to find my words.

“My father, Asmodeus, created them to protect my mother and me. And somehow my angel grace has linked with them,” I explained, not wanting to delve into the exact specifics as to how. I wasn’t entirely sure myself, but I just knew it had happened. They were something new now, something much more powerful, and a part of me.

“Ah yes, Asmodeus. He and a few of my other Princes passed. I only recently learned why they sought to open the gates of Hell completely, seems they paid the price for their attempt,” he said, his expression shifting to one of frustration. “Seems insubordination is rampant, brother.” He turned back to Michael, not even acknowledging Uriel. “What’s the plan?”

“Well, I would appreciate it if our brothers and sisters here would stand down and allow me the chance to speak to Lily here to get an understanding of what is going on. But instead, Uriel has sought to challenge me.” Michael directed a sharp look at said archangel.

“Well, that won’t go over well,” Lucifer scoffed as he folded his arms. “You were dad’s right hand after all. Strongest of all of us, save for me.” He smirked as Michael snorted at the jab, and I just kept my mouth shut. They were chatting like brothers who had no qualms between them. What was going on here?

“Lucifer, please, we must—"

“Must obey the words of our father,” Lucifer cut Uriel off sharply as he flared his wings out intimidatingly. “We were all given our orders, our roles, and we are to do the tasks gifted to us. Now, best let us speak with this… Lily, was it?” He paused to glance at me, and I just bobbed my head. “And go back to your duties of watching and protecting.”


“Another word and I’ll drag you all down to Hell with me!” Lucifer thundered, storm clouds rolling overhead with flashes of lightning.

If that wasn’t enough to scare the shit out of the angels standing against him, then surely the swirling darkness around him was.

“We understand,” Uriel barked out pathetically.

“Good, now go, before I decide to relieve you of your grace,” Michael boomed, and thunder rumbled all around as wind whipped up wildly. It was as if the two brothers were on the brink of starting some insane weather event, and even my skin prickled as my heart skipped a few beats.

Without hesitation, the angels vanished in flashes of blinding white light, until only the two brothers, my hellhounds, and I remained.

The clouds and wind dissipated instantly, and Lucifer laughed as he turned to Michael.

“Just like old times,” he chortled as he slung an arm around Michael’s shoulders.

“Thanks for having my back, like always,” Michael thanked him.

“Father would want me to. Especially since this Armageddon goes against everything we were instructed to do. The Divine Key, aye? We can finally close those pesky holes from Hell.” Lucifer grinned at me, and even my hellhounds glanced back at me in silent question. I was just as dumbstruck.

“Now, how about your hellhounds shift back and we all enjoy some tea while we get to the bottom of this,” Michael suggested, and Lucifer just snorted.

“Tea? Brother, you’ve not changed,” he said as he nodded at the hellhounds. “Grace-infused hellhounds, now that’s something I never thought I’d see. Let’s head back to yours. I quite wish to speak to this young lady too.”

I just stared, gobsmacked for a moment, until I forced my legs to start moving to follow the brothers back to Michael’s home.