“You think this is it?” Thomas asked softly as I wiped my eyes and gazed around the serene forest scenery.

My chest was tight, and I ached at the loss of my mother once more.

Thomas turned to me and pulled me into a hug.

“It’s okay, Lily. She’s okay, I know it hurts, but you got to see her again. You got to talk to her, and find out that she really is in a better place. She’s done all she can to help you,” he said. I knew it was all true, but it didn’t stop it from feeling like I’d just had a piece of me torn away once more.

I melted against him as I drew in a shaky breath, beyond grateful I had him here.

“I’m glad you’re here, I don’t think I could’ve done this alone,” I said softly as I finally pulled back.

“I think you would’ve handled all of this fine, but it’s always nice to not be in it alone,” he said gently before he glanced around the area.

I inspected the area as well, focusing on my power and letting my wings reveal themselves once more.

For some strange reason, this did feel right, like I was where I was meant to be.

“Where do we go?” Thomas asked as he focused back on me.

I straightened myself, focusing on my mother’s belief in me.

“This way.”

We headed off, weaving in and out of the trees, birds singing around us as a light breeze rustled the leaves.

It was peaceful here, only the sound of nature surrounding us, and the air had a unique energy, a calming quality.

I slowed as we reached a clearing, and I surveyed the area before I stepped out of the tree line.

I took a moment to take in the breath-taking sight. A crystal blue lake sprawled out before us with a snow-tipped mountainous backdrop. And off to the side was a stunning white house with arches and columns, looking like it belonged in a biblical scene.

“Wow,” Thomas breathed as he stepped up beside me.

An odd rush of adrenaline surged through me as I focused on the house. This was it, I knew it.

Michael was here.

I started forward, completely focused on the building, but yelped as Thomas gripped my wrist and yanked me backward.

I spun to question him, but the question died in my throat as I spied a dozen angels off to our right and headed right for us.

I barely had a moment to register exactly what was going on as one angel took charge, his wings lighting up as he prepared a powerful attack on me.

I could sense what he was though. An archangel.

Everything happened quickly in that moment. I steadied myself, preparing to take the incoming attack, praying it didn’t obliterate me from existence and wishing I’d had just a moment’s more notice to prepare.

I certainly didn’t expect Thomas to yank me behind him as the blinding white beam of light shot towards us, striking him hard.

“Thomas!” I cried out, terror filling me as he collapsed to his knees.

“Don’t let them stop you,” Thomas gasped as glowing cracks appeared in his skin. I let out a wretched sound as I watched him explode into glittering light, vanishing before me in an instant.

“You will go no further!” the archangel roared, his eyes still lit up like the sun as his comrades lit up as well.

Fear tore through me as I stiffened before them. I may be a hybrid and special, but even I knew I couldn’t withstand being struck by all their combined power.