“Because it’s where you needed to come first,” she said as she cast me a knowing smile. “But now, when you go, you’ll wind up in Michael’s Heaven if you focus. When you find him, tell him Remiel sent you with a vision. Tell him you’re the Divine Key, okay?” she said firmly.

“The Divine Key?” I repeated, and she nodded as she said it once more with me. “What’s it mean?” I asked.

“He’ll know, and it’s his way of knowing you’re saying the truth. Now, focus on the archway, focus on Michael, and the doorway will take you to him,” my mother said as she looked at Thomas. “Focus, Lily,” she said as she stepped over to Thomas.

I did as instructed, although I did see her lean into his ear and tell him something. He nodded firmly as he looked at me, but I focused on the task at hand.

“Why can’t you just tell him?” I asked as I willed my power into the archway. It rippled and swam as it burst to life before me.

“Because I can’t go with you, sweetheart. I wish I could.”

Wait, what?

I turned to her, my heart in my throat.

“You said you could help me,” I said, but she just gave me that sad smile that I didn’t want to see.

“And I have. But I can’t leave my Heaven, Lily. No angel can. Once we come to our Heavens, we’re locked in. No other angels can enter, and I can’t leave,” she said as I stepped up to her.

“I don’t want to do this alone,” I whimpered, and she just pulled me into her arms.

I clung to her as if I could change the rules of this damn Heaven thing.

“You’re not alone, you never are,” she assured me as she held me tight. “I’ll always be with you.”

I gritted my teeth as she pried herself away from me.

“It’s time to go, Lily. Go end this.”

I shook my head, the thought of leaving her crushing me.

“It’s okay, sweetheart, you can do this. I believe in you. And I’m beyond proud of you,” she said as Thomas stepped up beside me.

My lip trembled as my vision blurred, and I shook my head as Thomas took my hand.

“I don’t want to lose you again,” I sobbed.

“You’re not, sweetheart. I’m always with you.”

I cried as Thomas led me over to the archway. I wanted to fight him, to hurl myself into my mother’s arms, but I knew I had to let go. She was in her Heaven; she was happy, and I’d been blessed with a chance to see her once more, to get some clarity.

But the step through the archway was one of the heaviest and most painful ones I’d ever taken, and I couldn’t stop the tears from pouring forth.

* * *