“She knew they’d get you and try to use you, but they’d fail, although some hundreds of demons would escape, but nothing compared to the inevitable Armageddon. It was a hit we’d have to take for the continuation of humanity as a whole. Apparently, it would bring forth your wings once she returned to earth from Hell, and you’d be capable of accessing all your powers,” he shared, and I just squeezed my eyes shut, his words slicing through me now.

“The demon waves have only been increasing over the past few years, missions have only been increasing, so I believe what he says about the rips growing,” Jayden said quietly in the silence that had settled over us.

“My mother knew everything that was going to happen to me,” I ground out as tears stung my eyes. “Why would she put me through this?!” I spat as I snapped them open, wanting to take my rage and despair out on the angel before me.

“Because you were the only one who could save the world. You’re the only one strong enough. It’s a shitty responsibility, and I’m glad it’s not me, but someone had to do it,” Jackiel said as he gave me a sad smile. “She believed you could do it, that you would be strong enough.”

“What if I’m not?” I whimpered as the tears flooded forth, and Chum and Jack leaned into me in an attempt to comfort me.

“I can tell you right now, child, you are,” Jackiel said firmly as he set his glass down on the coffee table and rose. “I can also tell you that Jophiel and Dezikiel were wrong. You don’t need me to get into Heaven, you already have the power yourself. No, Remiel would have sent you to me because you need the final touch to power you. You already know the way, you just need a touch of true angel grace, not fallen, to kick-start your instinct. The one to guide you home to Heaven,” he said as he leaned forward.

Jack and Chum growled, but they didn’t have time to make a move as Jackiel poked me in the head.

I gasped as the familiar golden-white light washed over my vision, the comforting warmth spreading through me as my power surged to the surface.

When it finally settled down, I found myself staring at Jackiel pinned to the floor by Jack and Creeper.

“Let him go,” I said instantly as they growled, and Jackiel gave me a sheepish smile as they released him. He slowly rose, his eyes darting between the still growling hellhounds.

“What’d he just do to you?” Chum demanded as he turned my face towards him. The worry and panic evident in those dark eyes made me soften.

“He just woke the last part of me up,” I said calmly.

I could feel it, my power was complete now. He’d given me a touch of his grace and awoken the last fragment inside me—my link to Heaven itself.

“What’s that mean?” Hadley spoke up as Jackiel straightened himself and arched a brow at my hellhounds.

“I can feel… Heaven,” I said softly. It was hard to explain, but I could feel it, a tendril of it now connected to me thanks to Jackiel’s grace. Like it had rekindled a dormant connection within me.

But not just that, I could sense something else too, something that Jackiel knew as he nodded at me.

Only those with angelic grace within them could get into Heaven. My hellhounds couldn’t follow me, I’d have to go alone.

“When you get there, Dariel will greet you. She’s the new Gatekeeper, tell her both I and Remiel sent you. She’ll help you seek out Michael. He’s the one you’ll need. He’ll help you,” Jackiel said with a bob of his head.

“Get there? What’s he talking about?” Jack cast an uneasy glance back at me, and I swallowed down the guilt that was rising within me.

“Lily?” Jack saw the truth in my eyes as he shot to his feet, but I knew he’d do anything to keep me from going. My hellhounds wouldn’t want me to go alone. They’d fight it every step of the way.

So, I couldn’t give them the chance to stop me.

I gasped as I let the angel grace erupt within me, clinging to that thin link to Heaven as I willed myself there with my wings.

I had to do this, and I had to do this alone.
