“You said you blasted some of the angels back into Heaven, right?” Hadley asked as I stared out the window at the dark countryside, the moon dousing it in an eerie glow.

“Yeah,” I said softly as I nuzzled into Chum more, having taken up a seat on him after we’d stopped briefly for food and a toilet break.

“Do you think they would’ve figured out how they got blasted there, about what you were?” she continued.

“Maybe, I don’t think it matters though. They’ll think I’m an abomination most likely,” I muttered. That’s what that prick had called me. He’d looked at me like I was less than dirt. There’d been no chance of reasoning with him and trying to tell him what I could do. Hell, I hoped I could do it. I had no real idea, just a vague feeling and the words of my father.

I touched my ring as I sucked my lower lip between my teeth.

My mother had believed in me too. That I could save the world. I could do this. I had to.

“Okay, this is the place Jophiel told us, I want you all on high alert. Creeper, can you go back and get Jack, I want you both to scout out ahead,” Miss Sage said as she slowed down and turned into an overgrown driveway.

Creeper nodded as he slipped out of the car, and I watched out the back window as Wayne pulled up behind us and Creeper informed him of what was happening.

Jack was out in an instant, and I swallowed down my unease as the pair of them headed off into the darkness.

“Either it’s abandoned or they don’t like to look after their driveway,” Hadley murmured as we stared at the overgrown dirt drive that twisted through some trees. I was surprised Miss Sage had not missed it considering how overgrown it was, and that we were in the middle of the damn countryside with clusters of trees all around.

“Paris, roll your window down just enough so we can hear anything, Hadley, be prepared to shield the car, if necessary,” Miss Sage commanded, and Hadley straightened beside me as I leaned into Chum.

I could feel the steady beat of his heart against me as Miss Sage slowly drove up the drive, the sedan struggling in the overgrown grass.

My stomach knotted as I worried for my hellhounds. Was there really danger here? Was this where we’d find the angel?

I slid into the center seat as Miss Sage drove; the headlights illuminating nothing but trees and the overgrown drive as I held my breath.

Through the cracked windows, I could only hear the crumpling grass under the tires and the standard nightlife outside.

Surely I’d feel if something was happening to my hellhounds. Ever since last night, everything had changed. And sure enough, as I reached out in my mind for them, I could sense them, and a calm washed over me. They’d not found any trouble.

“Damn, the place looks abandoned,” Chumley said as an old, weathered farmhouse came into view, the moon glinting off it and revealing broken windows and peeling paint.

Miss Sage didn’t say a word, but Hadley gave me a worried look as we pulled up out the front, the trees surrounding the place on all sides.

Jack and Creeper emerged from the shadows of the building and sauntered over as Miss Sage rolled the window down.

“Nothing, place is empty,” Jack stated. “No scents anywhere.”

“That can’t be right,” Miss Sage muttered as she hastily unbuckled her seat belt and got out.

Paris shot a look back at us before she clambered out as well, and I followed suit.

I looked over at the other car as Wayne pulled up behind us, giving us a questioning look. I just shrugged, and he left the car idling as he got out.

“Why does it look abandoned?” he asked as he straightened his jacket and eyed the house.

“Because it is,” Creeper stated the obvious.

“Are you sure?” Paris asked softly. “Could it just be heavily warded or something?”

“Possibly, I can feel magic here,” Hadley said as she stepped up beside Chumley and me. He’d slipped his hand into mine, and he gave it a squeeze as I shifted uneasily.

“Warding magic?” Miss Sage clarified as she pulled the gun from her holster.
