My blood ran cold at his words as my hellhounds growled, and Miss Sage stepped up beside me.

“We can end the war on demons, it’ll be over,” I murmured, but the look in his eyes had my hope fading fast.

He was already set. There was more going on here than I realized. There was more to the corruption.

“We don’t want it to end. We want the apocalypse to come, for humanity to be wiped out so this world can start anew. Mankind, God’s greatest creation,” he said, his tone dripping with disgust, “are just parasites. They’re destroying everything, and they’ve lost their way.”

His words sunk in as Diane shuddered and gave me a terrified look.

They didn’t want the gates to close. They wanted this world to burn.

Angels really were dicks.

“No,” I stated, and he just gave me a wicked grin as his wings spread out.

“We can’t let you stop that, Lily. God stepped away, so now we’re making the plan, and the apocalypse is happening. We will purge this planet, have the demons destroy it, then rain down all of Heaven’s might to cleanse the earth, destroying all of demon-kind as well,” he said with complete belief.

“You think you have the power to take down all demon-kind if they come topside?” Miss Sage balked. “Angels are limited in number, how could you possibly hope to do that?”

“We have means, an entire vault of angelic weaponry at our disposal. Weapons that can wipe out entire countries, eradicating as many species as we deem fit. We have all of Heaven behind us, all of its power.” He clasped his hands together as he focused on me. “And you will not stop it.”

This guy was insane. The corruption in the High Council was evident. They didn’t have the best interests of humanity at heart. This couldn’t be God’s plan. No, these were angels high on power wanting to play God. And the thought of letting him get his way, of a full-blown apocalypse being let loose, it terrified me to my core.

I had to stop it. I had to stop him. I had to protect everyone.

‘You have the power, Lily.’

My mother’s voice rang out in my mind as a warmth flooded through me and relaxed me, all the fear and terror from this archangel fading away in an instant.

He threw up his arms, the power rolling off him in waves as Hadley and Diane cried out, their barrier cracking and breaking from his strength.

I spread my wings as I let my power surge forth, blasting from me like a shock wave as I made sure to protect everyone. A blinding golden-white light overcame my vision as I let my magic flow. I manipulated it, working it through the Academy as I found Dezikiel, banishing away the angels he was struggling against before seeking out Jophiel and the others.

I let my power blast Raphael away, making short work of him as I branded my magic into all of the students. Relief flooded me as I found all of them scattered around, Mr. Baron rounding them up in the Academy. No matter, I’d make sure no archangel would snap them away like Raphael had done to his own angels.

Once I was sure I’d rid the grounds of all angels, I let my magic die down as I sucked in mouthfuls of air and staggered forward.

Fuck, I’d definitely overdone it, but I’d recover quickly.

“What the fuck was that?!” Hadley blurted as she just stared at me in utter shock.

“I got rid of him, and all the others. Raphael is gone, and Dezikiel and the others are safe,” I managed to say as I drew in a few breaths as Jack held me upright. My wings had withdrawn now, and I wiped the bead of sweat that had formed on my brow from the exertion.

“Did you just kill Raphael?” Miss Sage asked, just as stunned as everyone else.

“Yes, he was no longer following God’s plan. The others I only banished back to Heaven,” I explained, not even sure how I knew I’d done that. I’d let my mother guide me, somehow, and I’d just done it. “I also warded all of us, the other students too. No angels can track us magically, and no one can be snapped away by an archangel if another comes.”

“You can do that?” Diane balked. “That’s insane! What the fuck!”

“How can you do that, Lily?” Miss Sage was just as skeptical as she glanced around us for any signs of more angels. It was pointless, I couldn’t sense any others.

“I just can, I’m not sure how. My mother granted me knowledge,” I mumbled as I touched my ring.

“Whatever, I’m just damn grateful, but it’s taken a toll,” Hadley noted as she nodded her head at me.

I winced as my head started to pound, and I touched the blood dribbling from my nose. I had pushed myself further than my body could handle.

“I guess taking down an archangel will do that to you,” Jack muttered. “You need to be careful. You may have all this power, but you’re not accustomed to using it.”